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Thread: New Cell Coverage in Death Valley NP

  1. #1

    New Cell Coverage in Death Valley NP

    For those visiting Death Valley this coming season, there's a new cell tower in the park located at Furnace Creek. While coverage is supposedly spotty outside Furnace, I've heard reports of the coverage reaching other areas within the park such as Badwater, Zabriskie, and to the north in Titus Canyon. Recent article at the Sierra Wave:

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Scottsdale, AZ

    Re: New Cell Coverage in Death Valley NP

    Oh no, now we have to put up with cell phone users yapping away even in Death Valley NP. Last week I was in Arches NP and at every viewpoint there was some moron on his cell phone talking very loud how beautiful the scenery is. I just wish they'd scramble all the signals in the parks (really everywhere outside the cities):-)

  3. #3
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: New Cell Coverage in Death Valley NP

    My first reaction was something along the lines of Juergen's. And even when I first read the article I was thinking along the same lines. But then I realized that having cell coverage will reduce the number of dead bodies the rangers will have to deal with, and that is a good thing. Few things will ruin a ranger's day more than having to deal with a dead stinking body.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Bend, OR

    Re: New Cell Coverage in Death Valley NP

    People will forget to bring enough water with them on a 120 degree days hike into the dunes, but they probably wont forget their cellies. I also have mixed feelings about this-fortunately Im usually hiding out mid-day when I visit there and not dealing with the masses.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Re: New Cell Coverage in Death Valley NP

    Quote Originally Posted by Juergen Sattler View Post
    Oh no, now we have to put up with cell phone users yapping away even in Death Valley NP. Last week I was in Arches NP and at every viewpoint there was some moron on his cell phone talking very loud how beautiful the scenery is. I just wish they'd scramble all the signals in the parks (really everywhere outside the cities):-)
    I second the motion!!

  6. #6
    Just waiting to be developed..
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    New Rochelle, NY 10804

    Re: New Cell Coverage in Death Valley NP

    Put up a warning, “Cell Phones are only to be used in case of emergency! Violators will be dealt with!!!”
    Let them fill in the blanks. I cant stand cell phones on trains, people don’t either care or know how loud they’re talking.
    But on the other hand, safety is a real concern in areas like that. Hauling a body from the left of nowhere has to be a real ordeal.
    -Ian Mazursky Travel, Landscape, Portraits and my 12x20 diary
    PrePress Express

  7. #7
    Jim Ewins
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: New Cell Coverage in Death Valley NP

    Speaking on a phone so others can hear you is bad manners, speaking on a phone while driving is a danger to others and forbidding their use is dictatorial.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: New Cell Coverage in Death Valley NP

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaughn View Post
    My first reaction was something along the lines of Juergen's. And even when I first read the article I was thinking along the same lines. But then I realized that having cell coverage will reduce the number of dead bodies the rangers will have to deal with, and that is a good thing. Few things will ruin a ranger's day more than having to deal with a dead stinking body.
    The coyotes will pick them clean after a few days, just leave them where they lie unless they present an eye or nose sore.

    Maybe a few dead bodies laying about will remind the living how dangerous Death Valley is. After all they don't call it Death Valley for nothing.

  9. #9
    Michael E. Gordon
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Southern California

    Re: New Cell Coverage in Death Valley NP

    Darwinism should be permitted to prevail.

    What's next? WiFi at the Racetrack?

  10. #10

    Re: New Cell Coverage in Death Valley NP

    I'm not looking forward to hearing phones ring while taking in the views, but safety is a huge issue there particularly during summer. Until I started living next to the park, I didn't think DV saw many visitors during summer. But there's been a steady stream all summer, and many seem unaware of the dangers. I met a tourist traveling by motorcycle at Death Valley Junction one evening where it was a cool 110F. He pulled up in the shade where I was sitting to ask where the next gas station was. He then replayed the story of running out of gas in Death Valley where he'd been rescued by NPS who brought him a couple of gallons for his tank. Rather than return to Furnace Creek for more gas, he left the park and was concerned about running out of gas again by the time I met him. Sigh!

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