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Thread: Bostick & Sullivan Pyro PMK developer - HELP

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Bostick & Sullivan Pyro PMK developer - HELP

    I just received my PMK Pyro order from Bostick and Sullivan. In the shipment was one 500ml bottle labeled PMK Solution A and also a 1000ml bottle labeled Rollo Pyro Solution A (this bottle is clear with clear liquid except for a precipitate in the bottom). I'm trying to figure out two things:

    1) if the larger bottle is actually solution B but was mislabeled?
    2) if the larger bottle is indeed solution B, are the Rollo pyro and PMK pyro B solutions the same for both formulas? I know Rollo pyro has Vitamin C added...but is this added to solution A or to solution B?

    Of course Bostick and Sullivan is closed on the weekend and I was hoping to develop some negs tonight or tomorrow but am afraid to proceed.

    Do any of you have any suggestions? Is your PMK Pyro from B&S labelled this way?



  2. #2
    MIke Sherck's Avatar
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    Elkhart, IN

    Re: Bostick & Sullivan Pyro PMK developer - HELP

    I'll bet there's someone out there with two bottles of solution B...

    Politically, aerodynamically, and fashionably incorrect.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sweet, ID

    Re: Bostick & Sullivan Pyro PMK developer - HELP

    Solution B is sodium metaborate for PMK, not sure for Rollo Pyro. If I were to guess (dangerous) I'd say the solution B's are the same and any difference is in solution A. And the 2-to-1 volume (B to A) is right for PMK. Have you googled the universe? You could try calling Glazer's camera in Seattle, ask for the darkroom section, they carry B&S stuff.

    Oh, and if it is the same, the precipate at the bottom is just sodium metaborate that has come out of solution (typical - so that also seems to point to it being the same), just warm it up a bit and shake, it will re-dissolve (not real critical though).
    The only trouble with doin' nothing is you can't tell when you get caught up

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Victoria BC Canada

    Re: Bostick & Sullivan Pyro PMK developer - HELP

    My guess is that the bottle is mis-labeled. Solution B for PMK always comes in a 1 litre bottle and often has a bit of precipitate in it. I'd do a test with a sheet of film just to be sure but I bet its just been labeled wrong and is actually solution B.

  5. #5

    Re: Bostick & Sullivan Pyro PMK developer - HELP

    Just add 1 ml of the smaller bottle to 100 ml of water and then add 2 ml of the larger bottle. If the color changes, you should be good to go.

  6. #6

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    Re: Bostick & Sullivan Pyro PMK developer - HELP


    My recipes for PMK and Rollo Pyro show a difference in the strength of the Solution B. They are both sodium metaborate, but for PMK the formula is 300g metaborate per liter; for Rollo Pyro it's 150 grams per liter.

    If you have the weaker solution, the PMK will not activate correctly, even though the solution will change color. However, it could be that Bostick & Sullivan simply sell the same solution and give different dilution instructions.

    It is definitely worth a phone call the B&S to sort this out. It could just be a shipping error.


    Doremus Scudder

  7. #7

    Re: Bostick & Sullivan Pyro PMK developer - HELP

    Why not call B&S

  8. #8
    Payral's Avatar
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    Nov 2006

    Re: Bostick & Sullivan Pyro PMK developer - HELP

    Quote Originally Posted by robby parkman View Post
    Why not call B&S
    Of course Bostick and Sullivan is closed on the weekend and I was hoping to develop some negs tonight or tomorrow but am afraid to proceed.

    The answer in the original message

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