i have been doing this a long time now (over 25 years), and have been lucky enou gh to have had several successes, with one-man exhibitions, authored 3 books, wo rked for the library of congress doing LF recordation work, etc., and now face a major life change. i have always loved what i do, especially the LF architectu ral work that i have been doing for the past 15 years, and have a team of seven people who work for me. the upper level managers are encouraging me to become t he new manager for my group, rather than being the principal photographer. mana ging would essentailly mean no more photography for me on the job, which i hate, but the team needs a manager, and i am the only one who can really do the job - they all want me to take it (of course it frees up the team-leader position for one of them to promote into, and we'd get to hire another new person). i am 50 years old, and the money doesnt mean anything to me at this point. i am torn b etween wanting to keep shooting, and wanting to help the team succeed and helpin g younger people have some of the opportunities i've had. i dont know how to ma ke this decision. i would appreciate some thoughts from you folks on this.