I'm freezing my as* off here. The good news is that we haven't had ANY snow this winter thus far. Watch it come roaring down now! Anyway...

Sipping on a Tim Horton's© coffee, the thought occurs:

What is the oldest lens that you:

a.) use regularly in your photography?
b.) own?

Tell us why you like it if you want.

My oldest is a Dallmeyer Wide Angle Rectilinear 13” f/15 1867, or it may be an
E. Anthony View 14” f/6.3 (?). I originally thought the Anthony was prior to 1860 since E. Anthony joined with his brother to form E. & H T Anthony in 1860 (?) but that may have not stopped production (or was it rebadging of Darlot lenses) under just the E A name and logo well up to the late 1800s. SO, I don't know its age or any way of telling (it could be anywhere from 1840 on). It's a pill box design with 2 apertures: cap off around f/6.3, cap on (with smaller opening on button), f/19 by my calculations. Here is a photo of it:

I use both in my photography and also a plethora of modern optics.