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Thread: Schneider 0r Rodenstock

  1. #31

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Schneider 0r Rodenstock

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Brody View Post
    Too many lenses are just confusing, like too many camera systems. See? I'm not sure it qualifies as "baloney," good grief, so there! Hah! :~)
    Maybe you are just easily confused. Doesn't mean everyone else is. Is that confusing for you?

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Schneider 0r Rodenstock

    Is answering a light-hearted post with a personal attack really appropriate here?

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Minneapolis, MN

    Re: Schneider 0r Rodenstock

    Must be the water - between personal attacks and the dichroic fog from changing pH, I don't know what to do ...

  4. #34

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    Re: Schneider 0r Rodenstock

    Quote Originally Posted by CarstenW View Post
    Is answering a light-hearted post with a personal attack really appropriate here?
    Not appropriate, but sadly, with some posters, it's common.

  5. #35
    lazy retired bum
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    Lake Oswego, Oregon

    Re: Schneider 0r Rodenstock

    No offense meant to anyone. I do hope that on this forum we comment on photography, not personality. Disagreement is fine. Neil is a local friend and I wanted to tweak him a bit. He can take it, so can I. Anyway, the Bach b minor mass is the greatest piece of music ever written, not that pathetic Mozart c minor. So there! That proves it.

  6. #36

    Join Date
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    Massachusetts USA

    Re: Schneider 0r Rodenstock

    For architectural photography, lenses can never have enough coverage, and cameras can never have enough movements. * With shorter and wider lenses, a bag bellows can sometimes be a necessity. Make sure your camera can take one.

    So be careful not to limit yourself inadvertently.

    Among lenses of the same length, some are designed to give much greater coverage than average. You should look for those. They often have 'wide' or 'super' or 'W' in their names. Forum members can steer you to tables which show coverage of lenses. Someone here might even have one for sale.

    Inexpensive used monorail cameras support adjustments and movements limited only by the bellows and/or the lens, but many wooden field cameras - while portable and beautiful to look at - do not.

    One need not purchase new lenses, or new cameras. Over the years, most lenses have improved only marginally - often in ways of greater benefit to the manufacturer, than noticeable by users.

    * Reminiscent of Carl Weese's observation that just as one can never be "too rich, or too thin", one can never have enough film holders.

  7. #37

    Join Date
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    San Mateo, California

    Re: Schneider 0r Rodenstock

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Lee View Post
    One need not purchase new lenses, or new cameras. Over the years, lenses have improved only marginally - often in ways of greater benefit to the manufacturer than noticeable by users.
    This is much more true in the large format world. People using other formats seem fixated on the newest lens because manufacturers there are continuing to improve things like coatings, focusing motors, vibration reduction and zoom lens design. Most modern (<50 years old) LF lenses are already coated with something and the last three items don't apply.

  8. #38

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    Massachusetts USA

    Re: Schneider 0r Rodenstock

    Roger Hicks, speaking about composition, said somewhere something like - "it's all about the focal length and the film format" Not entirely precise either as the inner components in the picture itself are equally important for a composition.

    - Most Excellent -

    If I've learned anything on this forum, it's that nothing is all about anything

  9. #39

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    Re: Schneider 0r Rodenstock

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Brody View Post
    No offense meant to anyone...
    No offense taken. I believe Carsten's question referred to post #31, not your post 30.

  10. #40

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Minneapolis, MN

    Re: Schneider 0r Rodenstock

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Lee View Post
    ...nothing is all about anything
    If you can live with an approximation, it's about 5/8 of anything...

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