I bought a pretty elderly but nice Tele-Xenar 5.5/360 on a Linhof Technika board from eBay assuming (wrongly) that it would be mounted on a typical size Linhof Technika board.

It is, in fact, mounted on a Linhof Technika board which measures 3 1/8 inches b y 2 7/8 inches, as near as I can measure it. The lens seems to be attached to th e board by 6 screws.

Can I get a Technika board to fit this? If the board is attached by screws rathe r than a retaining ring will a less elderly Technika board be able to take the l ens?

Or, my favoured option, is there an adapter board which would allow the small Te chnika board to be mounted on a (to me) standard Technika board, measuring 3 5/8 inches by 3 3/4 inches.

Any advice or suggestions appreciated.


Andrew Watt