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Thread: Old Linhof Technika Board / Tele-Xenar 5.5/360

  1. #1

    Old Linhof Technika Board / Tele-Xenar 5.5/360

    I bought a pretty elderly but nice Tele-Xenar 5.5/360 on a Linhof Technika board from eBay assuming (wrongly) that it would be mounted on a typical size Linhof Technika board.

    It is, in fact, mounted on a Linhof Technika board which measures 3 1/8 inches b y 2 7/8 inches, as near as I can measure it. The lens seems to be attached to th e board by 6 screws.

    Can I get a Technika board to fit this? If the board is attached by screws rathe r than a retaining ring will a less elderly Technika board be able to take the l ens?

    Or, my favoured option, is there an adapter board which would allow the small Te chnika board to be mounted on a (to me) standard Technika board, measuring 3 5/8 inches by 3 3/4 inches.

    Any advice or suggestions appreciated.


    Andrew Watt

  2. #2

    Old Linhof Technika Board / Tele-Xenar 5.5/360

    Reads like you have a lens board for a 2 X 3 camera. Regular Linhof Technika lensboards are available from Linhof dealers. There are also many types of good copies available at around $40.00 each. Since you may have an odd sized hole needed it would be most convenient to obtain a blank board and have the right sized hole bored in it and the mount flange attached with screws, like the one you have.

    I charge $15.00 to bore the lensboard and affix the flange, which you supply. I can supply the Technika type copies at $40.00 or obtain a genuine Linhof board from a Linhof dealer for you if you don't feel like shopping.

    Steve G.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Old Linhof Technika Board / Tele-Xenar 5.5/360

    It sounds like you bought a lens on a Technika III board which doesnot fit the Technika IV and later cameras. A III board has a recessed light trap surounding the hole in the board. A IV board has a raised ring around the hole.

    Your lens is probably in a 3 shutter, if so, any camera store can order a current Technika or Wista board with a pre-milled hole for the 3 shutter. But you may need to buy a spacer and locking ring should they not be on your lens now.

    BTW, Most III boards are silver or black. Later boards were tan, gray or (current ones) black. If your is silver it is from a III.

  4. #4

    Old Linhof Technika Board / Tele-Xenar 5.5/360

    Steve & Bob,

    Thanks for the replies.

    Unfortunately, Steve, it would be pretty expensive for me to take advantage of your offer since I am in the UK and you are, I understand, in the USA. I had visited your Web site in the past and was impressed by the aura of good old-fashioned craftsmanship.

    Does anyone know of a reliable (and hopefully not too expensive) LF shop in the UK?

    Bob, I suspect the board may be older still. One aspect of it which I failed to mention in my original post is that the upper corners are cut at a diagonal rather than square. The lower corners are also cut at a diagonal.

    The shutter is a Compound. The cap on the lens, which may or may not be original, is a Zeiss Ikon one with "Germany" stamped into the reverse. Possibly a lens from the 1930's?

    Andrew Watt

  5. #5

    Old Linhof Technika Board / Tele-Xenar 5.5/360


    From your description, it sounds like a board from a 2x3 Technika. If your lens /shutter will fit in that smaller board, it will easily fit in the larger 4x5 si ze Technika boards. All you need is a proper board - either blank or with a sma ller hole - and a competent machinist. I don't know if Steve Grimes has a count erpart in the UK. You might give Robert White a call and see if they offer lens board drilling services - or can recommend someone who does.

    WRT the age of your lens. I doubt if it's from the 1930s. Probably 1950s (or p erhaps late 1940s or early 1960s). You can yet an approximate date of manufactu re based on the serial number from the Schneider web site at:


  6. #6

    Old Linhof Technika Board / Tele-Xenar 5.5/360

    I have the same lens and love it. It just unscrews from the board's flange and to be honest with you, the first person who answered your post, Steve, is a large format wizard and has been an icon here in the Boston, MA area for years! I would imagine you can find a machine shop in your area though to cut a Tech V board. Just remove the lens by unscrewing the shutter from the board (marking the flange which position is up) and have them mount it to the new cut board. Cheers

  7. #7

    Old Linhof Technika Board / Tele-Xenar 5.5/360


    May be a silly question but ... have you contacted Linhof & Studio Ltd. in London?

    Paula Pell-Johnson and her technician, Bill, are well able to weave whatever magic you require as well as being a font of knowledge concerning Munchen Monsters.

    Linhof & Studio Ltd. Pump House, 10 Chapel Place, Rivington Street, London EC2A 3DQ

    Phone: 0207 7295 734

    Fax: 0207 729 5787


    I hope that this is of some assistance to you.

    Cheers, Walter

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Old Linhof Technika Board / Tele-Xenar 5.5/360

    " been an icon here in the Boston, MA"

    But is Steve still in Boston?

  9. #9

    Old Linhof Technika Board / Tele-Xenar 5.5/360

    Hi Bob,

    Do you know where can i get the old technika III lens board? and i believe it's smaller than the usual (Current) linhof board right? Are your company still making it nowadays? Is there any help that you can provide? thanks in advance.


  10. #10

    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Scottsdale, AZ

    Old Linhof Technika Board / Tele-Xenar 5.5/360

    If you are looking for a Technika III lensboard check out - they have two of them on their website. I also have a T III and I was looking for a lens board recently - and someone from this forum suggested the above link.


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