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Thread: Good reputable schools that offers a BA in Photography?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Good reputable schools that offers a BA in Photography?

    Hi, I live in a country where photography degree is non-existent. Thus, I would like to know if anyone could recommend some GOOD, well recognized colleges in the States/Canada, for me to get a BA in Photography? I have thought of Brooks, but I am not from the US. So it cost a BOMB/(actually maybe 10 bombs...) as the exchange rate of US$- Sg$ is bloody miserable. (It cost more than my house!!...) So I would like to know if there is any slightly cheaper ones out there?

    P.S: I hope to learn architecture, interior, food and product photography as well as the business side of running a commercial studio.Thanks a lot. Help much appre

  2. #2

    Good reputable schools that offers a BA in Photography?

    I am a photography student at the Art Institute of Colorado in Denver. They offer an Associate's degree, but the program is one of the best in the country. You learn in-depth all of the aspects you mentioned and more. It is a very focused program and very intense, and you graduate with a professional portfolio along with competitive photography and business skills. They will teach you to not only be a top notch photographer, but how to be a great businessperson as well. All of the instructors are working photographers who offer a wealth of information.

    I could go on forever... Feel free to email me directly if you would like more info. I am not affiliated with the school in any way other than being a very satisfied student! --Kate

  3. #3
    Yes, but why? David R Munson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 1999
    Saitama, Japan

    Good reputable schools that offers a BA in Photography?

    I'm a student at Ohio University in Athens, OH. OU basically has 3 photography programs. 1. A BFA program in photography through the school of fine arts. 2 and 3 are Photojournalism and Photo Illustration, which are really just two different sequences in the School of Visual Communication (site can be found at OU's VisCom is very highly regarded and I've been very impressed with the quality of the program as a student. I'm in the photo illustration sequence. I had originally wanted to go to RIT in Rochester, NY, but the price was too steep, so I went to OU. Now that I'm here, I love it and don't think I'd want to be anywhere else. The nice thing about the program at OU is that unlike a school devoted entirely to photography (not that it's a bad thing), you have access to courses in other departments, like Journalism and Business, both of which are considered some of the best in the country. If you want to know more about the program at OU, email me off the list and I'll do my best to answer any questions. Like Kate, I am not affiliated with my school in any way other than being a happy student. Wherever you end up, good luck.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2000

    Good reputable schools that offers a BA in Photography?

    Hi, you'll want to take a serious look at Rochester Institue of Technology (RIT)- in Kodak, Xerox backyard & lots of research money there in imaging. Any cost involved my be remade when it comes to job hunting; I don't think they have much trouble placing their grads, and you know you will be working state of the art. For more bang for you buck, look to Canada. In Toronto there is Rierson College/Tech school(I think that's the spelling?). Also, there is a Humbler College that has a program. Do a serious search on the Canadain schools. Best, David

  5. #5

    Good reputable schools that offers a BA in Photography?

    You can learn all that stuff by buying a 4x5 camera and a digital back. You should assist a commerical photographer in your hometown. If you want to come to Toronto. Ryerson, Humber and Sheridan are the major schools that I know of that could teach you something about photography. Sheridan and Humber are colleges that focus on the technical and business side of photography. Ryerson is a BFA program that is wide open, you can do anything you want. Personally I went to Ryerson. I am finishing up my 4th year. However I would rather assist a commerical photographer than go to school. I was talking to a friend of my that just graduated. She has tens of thousands of dollars to pay off in debt. That money could have been spend on equipment and projects. You just need to find a commerical photog mentor. Save your money and teach yourself. The school isn't a miracle worker. If you don't have the ability to learn or work hard a piece of paper isn't going to help. My experience at school has been equally good and bad. I don't think I could recommended it for the weak/stupid/unmotivated/casual.

  6. #6

    Good reputable schools that offers a BA in Photography?

    The answers to the question of where to get a serious education in the field of professional photography are rather interesting. As ex- Director of Photography at the Colorado Institute of art, now known at the Art Institute of Colorado,... are quite enlightening. As a now retired successful professional, I can say, with out doubt, that if you are serious about photography as I was, that there is no question about the first step in this quest. I am a 1967 graduate(BFA) of the Art Center College of Design, in LA... I, and David Muench, Larry Dale Gordon, J. Barry O'Rourke, Carl Furuta and many others are graduates of Art Center...and classmates of mine. Art Center graudates with their BFA's are welcomed with enthusiasm by most advertising agency art directors, because they know that art center produces a quality graduate,....kind of like Marine Corp boot camp. With regard to the Art Institute of COlorado,....I overhauled the program and redesigned the program in 1983,....and hired new faculty. If it is good now....I am one of the persons responsible for making it that way. I have heard and believe that it is a fine program but only a two year program...and does not require the discpline and dedication of the ACCD four year, BFA program.

    If you have serious intentions about making a career in photography, the ultimate is Art Center. If you have the guts, the time, and the money for tuition, it is the only way. Art Center is not for the faint of heart. It is DEMANDING. But, the rewards are in direct proportion to the effort and expense. I know. I have a room full awards including national photographer of the year, seven gold medals in advertising illustration including a Cine Golden Eagle, for doccumentary film. If you are really serious about making a career in photography, just list "BFA, Art Center College of Deisgn," and the door will open for you,....while the rest will the reception room. Trust's true. Richard Boulware - Denver. (ACCD BFA '67...and damned proud of it.) Happy to answer off-list emails.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 1998

    Good reputable schools that offers a BA in Photography?

    In the USA you really have two serious choices: The Art Center in Pasadena California


    Forget Brooks.

  8. #8

    Good reputable schools that offers a BA in Photography?

    why forget brooks?

  9. #9
    Beverly Hills, California
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Beverly Hills, CA

    Good reputable schools that offers a BA in Photography?

    Los Angeles City College has an unbelievable, but little known photography program. Each faculty has decades of experience. They are all full-time faculty, and they don't promote the program, because I think they prefer teaching smaller classes.

    If you can somehow claim California state resident status: undeniably the best value, tuition-wise at 13 dollars a unit (typical course is 3-6 units), you will find anywhere in the U.S.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Good reputable schools that offers a BA in Photography?

    Hmmmm... I think RIT is seriously out of the question, since its a 4 year program at approx. US$20 000 for tuition alone!!(thus more $$$ and time needed.) On top of that, I actually already got a prospectus from them. Unfortunately, out of all the relavant prospectus I requested, they sent me the WRONG one(gave me Biomedical photography instead...) which I didn't want at all.

    And the course module under "advertising photography"(inside one of the general prospectus) concentrates on theory and History too much. I believe that it is best to learn things "hands-on". Besides, I was not really impress with the student works featured under the gallery section. *Sorry no offence to RIT graduates* Its just my 0.2 cents worth.

    Oh, yeah, some of the schools mentioned, I checked some out already, but I am actually looking for something less than what Brooks would charge (tuition alone...US$17 000/per year for 3 years) and $13 000 for room & broad/year. Thus that is approx.SG$ 165 000!! for a BA degree!!!

    Would anyone of you pay such an amount f

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