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Thread: A question of ethics.

  1. #11

    A question of ethics.

    Well..... I think Kevin's response is very well thought out, I would like to see your response Niegel.

  2. #12

    A question of ethics.

    In reply to the message from Mr Crisp.

    You were the one who lectured Mr Crisp. Luckily I still have all the emails, from both sides, and they show that I was polite, apologetic and humble in my repies to you. I'd be more than happy to publish them on here if you would like, then the readers can judge for themselves.

    Have yourself a good day Mr Crisp.

  3. #13

    A question of ethics.

    Don't we have better things to do than take pot shots at each other? Encouragement, learning and sharing about photography seems to be a hallmark of this website. Please don't devolve it into something petty, personal and irrelevant. Thank you.

  4. #14

    A question of ethics.

    yeah I agree with David, lets move on, I don't think this is going to take us anywhere.

  5. #15

    A question of ethics.

    My point exactly David, I wasn't taking potshots at Mr Crisp.

    Mr Crisp personally came out and identified himself as the person I was refering to in my post, with his remarks about ethics. He then procceeds into a tirad of things, that I had kept private, in an attempt to blacken me personnally.

    Have I ever launched an attack on Mr Crisp here?? I think not. But I do feel that since Mr Crisp has said what he has said then I believe I have the right to defend myself. Here in the public forum.

    I have a copy of all the emails, which I feel will prove wrong many of the things that Mr Crisp said in this public forum. I'll be more than happy to publish each and every email (from both sides in the order they were recieved) on this board to prove my innocence.

    Then Mr Crisp will owe me a public apology.

    PS. Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Luckily for me I'm a photographer and not a writer )

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    A question of ethics.

    Can't we all just get along?

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    A question of ethics.

    You guys gotta chill. No need to flex those 8x10 egos to the detriment of all... including ones self. Life is too short....Let the photography speak for itself....There are no saints here!

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenbank, WA

    A question of ethics.

    Nigel: Nobody cares. I don't even care, and I'm one of the participants. If I offended you, then I'm sorry I did. Now that I've managed to become "an uninteresting thread" I guess I'll move on.

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Nov 1999

    A question of ethics.

    Guess what, I think its okay to have a slanging match now and again!! No one realy gets "hurt", it clears the air and everyone makes up at the end of the day! bit like real life really. If someone galls you then get it off your chest!! I can't recall any "arguments" that got out of hand, and it shows that despite communicating in cyberspace, at the end of the day we are all human. Some kind soul will always step in and tell the warring parties to chill out!! Paul

  10. #20

    A question of ethics.

    Come along now please chaps. There's a place for this kind of bickering - it's called

    Would be nice if the LF forum could maintain its traditional ego-free status.

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