Finally used my new darkroom tonight. I want to live in there with my dog lol.
Anyway, I got a used Super Chromega D with a Dichroic head, and today was really the first time I used it. I stopped down the lens to F11, had the light source set to white, filters off and did a test strip with 3 sec increments. Developed for 1 min and the paper was totally black.
Did another test strip this time with the light source set to high. Totally black paper again.
To shorten the story, I made what I think is a nice print using the light source set to low, at F16 and both the yellow and magenta filters set to 60, and a 25 sec exposure.
I was quite thrilled and my wife ecstatic. It needs a few refinements but I am really pleased so far.
But I am not so sure I am arriving at a decent print the right way. Perhaps it does not matter how we get there?
Could the light source in the enlarger be way to bright? Looks like a chore to take it appart and check. Does what I did to achieve the print sound reasonable?
Any input appreciated.