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Thread: May/June View Camera

  1. #81

    Re: May/June View Camera

    The current issue is the best that I have seen for a long time. According to my taste, anyway. And there are no articles on scanning or PhotoShop, for which I am grateful.

  2. #82

    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Colorado / California

    Re: May/June View Camera

    Mr Simmons Recieved a paper copy of my reciept in Mid June. It was on my office computer in California and is off line. I sent a snail mail copy to the view camera office in Corrales NM. He insists they have no record of me even today. After subscribing with a Visa card, Email inquires and mailed reciept copies I am tired of the whole process.
    I subscribed to View Camera years ago and still have about 4 years of back issues. I liked the publication then and was hpoing to get a new subscription as I am getting back into LF. But this whole experience has left a very bad taste in my mouth. Sorry to drag the forum into this but I was looking for people with similar problems.

  3. #83
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
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    Re: May/June View Camera

    Quote Originally Posted by sidmac View Post
    Mr Simmons Recieved a paper copy of my reciept in Mid June.
    ... I sent a snail mail copy to the view camera office in Corrales NM.
    Those two propositions are not necessarily equivalent. In other words, things get lost in the mail. Over the past year, *six* separate books that I ordered, including a signed limited edition, did not arrive. Except for a cheap book for which I didn't bother, the booksellers refunded me. That's why many businesses (including my small photography operation) pay a premium for Fedex or similar. However, in my experience, it is still highly unusual for a customer to have to send receipts to verify a purchase (esp. for something low cost like a mag subscription), since well-organized businesses tend to be able to find those records.

  4. #84

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    Re: May/June View Camera

    Quote Originally Posted by QT Luong View Post
    Those two propositions are not necessarily equivalent. In other words, things get lost in the mail. Over the past year, *six* separate books that I ordered, including a signed limited edition, did not arrive. Except for a cheap book for which I didn't bother, the booksellers refunded me. That's why many businesses (including my small photography operation) pay a premium for Fedex or similar. However, in my experience, it is still highly unusual for a customer to have to send receipts to verify a purchase (esp. for something low cost like a mag subscription), since well-organized businesses tend to be able to find those records.
    QT - are you part of Steve's staff? Are you an employee of ViewCamera? You seem to be taking VC's side... which is... interesting.

  5. #85

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    Re: May/June View Camera

    Quote Originally Posted by David Spivak-Focus Magazine View Post
    QT - are you part of Steve's staff? Are you an employee of ViewCamera? You seem to be taking VC's side... which is... interesting.
    Ha ha... that's funny. I was thinking the same thing about you. You got some great "product placement" in the last issue... or is that another David Spivak that the rabbi was talking about.

  6. #86
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
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    Re: May/June View Camera

    Quote Originally Posted by David Spivak-Focus Magazine View Post
    QT - are you part of Steve's staff? Are you an employee of ViewCamera? You seem to be taking VC's side... which is... interesting.
    At least you are understanding that I am trying to be helpful, unlike a certain person (whom I will not name) who sees my post as a "cheap shot" and "out of the line" that shows that I "continually pick the wrong side" and exhibit "bad judgement in character" :-)

  7. #87

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    Re: May/June View Camera

    Please, let's let it drop. I will take care of this matter in a gentlemanly fashion in a couple of weeks. I an niether aliar, nor a trouble maker, nor a warrior of any kind. Just let it all drop.

  8. #88

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    Re: May/June View Camera

    Quote Originally Posted by BrianShaw View Post
    Ha ha... that's funny. I was thinking the same thing about you. You got some great "product placement" in the last issue... or is that another David Spivak that the rabbi was talking about.
    According to Steve Simmons, Publisher of View Camera Magazine, I am not mentioned at all in the article in the latest issue of View Camera Magazine. Of course I haven't seen an issue, yet. Simmons has promised me a copy - but I have yet to see it. So does the Barnes & Noble in Union Square, New York City, the largest B&N in all of Manhattan and two of my local bookstores near me in Brooklyn.

  9. #89

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    Re: May/June View Camera

    Quote Originally Posted by QT Luong View Post
    At least you are understanding that I am trying to be helpful, unlike a certain person (whom I will not name) who sees my post as a "cheap shot" and "out of the line" that shows that I "continually pick the wrong side" and exhibit "bad judgement in character" :-)
    There's two types of realities in this world: The reality one sees and the reality everyone else sees.

    If I was actually mentioned by Rabbi Sinclair in the article, I should have been sent a magazine or two. When you posted a review of the Rabbi's book, I sent everyone and their mother a link to your blog and posted it several times on my facebook page. I would've encouraged many people to go out and purchase the latest issue of VC had I been dealt with in a professional manner.

    I wish Steve the best... honestly I do. He is publishing the ONLY print magazine for large format photography in the country (world?) right now. And believe me, I know what it's like to be on the wrong end of customer service... I'm learning, I'm learning. But once I realize I'm wrong, I do everything I can to rectify the situation. Steve refused to admit he had any wrong doing in this at all... ok. Whatever. I'm past it. I wish him luck.

    I have been told that Brooks Jensen will be publishing Rabbi Sinclair's work in a later issue this year. With the new curves LW is using and their amazing reproduction, Rabbi Sinclair's work is going to look amazing. I'll have to buy 50 or so copies.

  10. #90

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    Re: May/June View Camera

    This thread started approximately one week ago with a simple question. Lost in most of the replies is the simple answer. Look back, and you will see that a simple yes or no is all that was necessary.

    Fortunately, many of those who took the time to read the original query, have been favorably impressed with the issue in question. And predictably, those who do not subscribe, have subscribed, or never will subscribe, have chimed in. And, as in the past, they have chosen this public forum to air their personal grievances that would be better dealt with at the source. However, I am not surprised to see the same individuals chime in every two months or so.

    On a personal note, I will say that over the twenty-plus years since the inception of View Camera magazine I have been a subscriber, with a few lapses. Over the years some of the issues I have found to be mediocre, some interesting, and some outstanding. That is all I would ask of any publication. And, as to delivery, not a single issue has failed to arrive in my mailbox.

    During this same twenty-year interval, I subscribed to three photography magazines that folded and left me without recourse and without a magazine. In this light, I commend the publisher of View Camera magazine for the ability to produce a good product for a niche market.

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