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Thread: FYI: The Friends of Photography closes for good

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    SF Bay Area

    FYI: The Friends of Photography closes for good

    The Friends of Photography at the Ansel Adams Center in San Francisco announced on Monday that they will be closing all operations this month due to enormous de bt.

    Merg Ross

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    FYI: The Friends of Photography closes for good

    sorry to hear it. i will forever be in their debt for publishing "photographs of oregon and the columbia river" by carleton watkins -one of the finest little books in my collection.

  3. #3

    FYI: The Friends of Photography closes for good

    Thanks, Merg. Sad note. It seems nothing lasts for long in the photography world. I suppose there just aren't enough people who care about photography. Think of all the great publications and companies dedicated to photography that are no longer in business. Maybe there just aren't enough of us.


  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    SF Bay Area

    FYI: The Friends of Photography closes for good

    Doug- Thanks for the thoughtful sentiments. Their demise is particularly poignant to me as my Dad (Donald) was an original trustee in the late 60's and responsible for acquiring the Renger-Patzsch collection for the Friends in 1971. That was while they were in Carmel, in a small galery, and if the original concept had prevailed they might still be in business with a small gallery and occasional publications.. Perhaps not. But the founders, Ansel, Brett, Rosario, Beaumont, Nancy and others are gone and wih them died the initial concept and direction.

    You are probably correct in that there are not enough people who care about photography. But my experience has been that those who do care do so with a real passion and that makes up for the lack in numbers.



  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2000

    FYI: The Friends of Photography closes for good

    I recall becoming a member 15 years ago, and I still have some of the fine books they sent me. But I have to say the dues structure was such that all I could ever afford was a basic membership. It struck me that the Friends must necessarily cater to the well-to-do--who else could afford it? I get the impression from Merg's comments that perhaps the organization attempted to grow beyond its means. It is sad, because their publications were first-rate. I wonder if the collections owned by the Friends will be given to a museum?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 1999

    FYI: The Friends of Photography closes for good

    When visiting San Francisco I always tried to peruse their gallery (when I could find it open). Usually bought a book or two to give them a little support, and always wondered how they could stay open, with the amateurish way they seemed to operate. Sorry to see it go, but not surprised.

  7. #7

    FYI: The Friends of Photography closes for good

    Merg--On the 15th of this month I posted a message re: Friends of Photography on this forum asking for the organization's email address.

    Not their web site, but email address. Would you have that info?

    The FOA is presently having an exhibit on "Modern Japan, 1915-1940". I am trying to contact the Japanese Photo Historian associated with the show, Mr. Norihiko Klochko

  8. #8

    FYI: The Friends of Photography closes for good

    Merg--On the 15th of this month I posted a message re: Friends of Photography on this forum asking for the organization's email address.

    Not their web site, but email address. Would you have that info?

    The FOA is presently having an exhibit on "Modern Japan, 1915-1940". I am trying to contact the Japanese Photo Historian associated with the show, Mr. Norihiko Klochko--Respectfully, Raymond A. Bleesz

  9. #9

    FYI: The Friends of Photography closes for good

    While I hate to see this happen, if my experience with them was the norm then I'm not suprised. Their membership fees were not affordable to anyone on a tight budget. I tried a few times to volunteer and no one even bothered calling me back and the ambience was just a little to "its our little club here and you are who ?" for my taste. Still its sad...

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    SF Bay Area

    FYI: The Friends of Photography closes for good

    Ed- In their press release they state that the 140 Ansel Adams photographs are in the process of being sold with the objective that they remain available for public display. Also, they are having a collector print sale for the general public on 10/26 and 10/27 at "significant savings".Example, formerly $2,500 now $1,625. The range is from $240 to $3,000. Represented are many familiar names including Adams, Baer, Bernhard, Citret, Klett, Mark, Meyerowitz, Morris, Stackpole etc. If interested call Jodie Klein, Friends Development Office, (415) 495-7000 ext. 303.



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