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Thread: Where do I begin? Canaham, Schneider, Training, etc.

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Kansas City

    Where do I begin? Canaham, Schneider, Training, etc.

    I have debated whether I should take the plunge into large format photography, but realize I don't know enough about the subject to know where to begin. I took a stab at bidding on a used K.B. Canham DLC 4X5 metal field camera, but dropped out when it rose above $1,400. The camera is still listed and is only a year old and it looks like new ones sell for $2,300, but I don't have an idea what lens and other accessories would be required for a full set up.

    I use a Nikon D700 with several lenses for most of my current photography needs, but would like to expand into large format. I would like to pair a DLS4/5 with the best Schneider landscape lens that can be used in the field. I would also like to estimate how much a full large format setup including camera, lens and accessories could cost. I can use my tripod and ball head that I use with my digital setup.

    What can I do to become more familiar with what equipment is needed and where I could pick up a class or training on the subject?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Re: Where do I begin? Canaham, Schneider, Training, etc.

    Why not the best Rodenstock, Nikon or Fuji lens?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    North of Chicago

    Re: Where do I begin? Canaham, Schneider, Training, etc.

    Lots of information on the home page for this forum! Go to:

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula

    Re: Where do I begin? Canaham, Schneider, Training, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Salomon - HP Marketing View Post
    Why not the best Rodenstock, Nikon or Fuji lens?
    Maybe because...

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula

    Re: Where do I begin? Canaham, Schneider, Training, etc.

    [QUOTE=timberline12k;455731]What can I do to become more familiar with what equipment is neededQUOTE]

    How about doing some reading:

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Kansas City

    Re: Where do I begin? Canaham, Schneider, Training, etc.

    By the way, I have read both the suggested documents as well as others, but am interested in recommendations as to specific lens size, aperture, etc. I will probably research the heck out of this subject. - - - got to run, prom night and my daughter's date just rang the doorbell.

  7. #7
    darr's Avatar
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    Re: Where do I begin? Canaham, Schneider, Training, etc.

    Maybe for a starting point, look for a large format photo taken by another photographer that you would like to shoot. Find out which lens was used (or similar) and price it through a used dealer such as As far as a folding camera box, I would start with a used and less expensive one, such as the Calumet, Speed Graphic, Toyo, Wista, and Zone VI field cameras. This way you get to try your hand at it and if you like LF, you can always upgrade later. My two cents.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    klamath falls, oregon

    Re: Where do I begin? Canaham, Schneider, Training, etc.

    Here's an example of why you might look here for a while before buying on the auction site:

    The impression I've had from the time I've spent here is that most members who are regular contributors and not just dropping in to sell stuff are pretty upright, and are fanatical about their equipment. I think that anything you bought from them would be pretty good. (For example the guy who was selling that camera seems to be a finicky machinist - I suspect it would have been in great shape.)

    I've bought 3 lenses, all used, all in beautiful condition. One from a member here, one (I got lucky) on e-bay, one from Jim Andracki at Midwest Photo. I can't recommend him enough.

    Whether you are going color or B&W, I'd say pick up a camera and a 135, 150 or 180mm lens and get rolling. Read somewhere about rise, fall, tilts and shifts. So far I have shot color transparencies just using my DSLR as a light meter with pretty good results - you could do the same, at least until you decide what light meter to get.

  9. #9
    Widows and Orphans Beware
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    New Jersey

    Re: Where do I begin? Canaham, Schneider, Training, etc.

    David, your questions are impossibly broad. It's like asking "what kind of clothes should I wear?" There is no single answer to any of your questions. There are many good answers, but they represent the "right" answers that others have found for themselves. They may not be any good for you.

    My suggestion would be to start simple. You should be able to find a 4x5 field camera and a decent lens for well under $1,000. The main thing is to start shooting some photos. See if you like the format. As you become more familiar with the format, you'll start to get a better sense of what will work best for you.

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula

    Re: Where do I begin? Canaham, Schneider, Training, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by timberline12k View Post
    but am interested in recommendations as to specific lens size, aperture, etc.
    Schneider Symar S 135 or 150. Both are f/5.6. Either can be found in good shape at affordable prices. They are the best!

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