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Thread: 4x5 Field Choices..

  1. #11

    4x5 Field Choices..

    I have a late model Linhof Technika III which has served me well for many years. Definitely consider this or later Technikas,IV, V etc. as a very proven camera to use in the field. As an example of just how popular they are, one year at the parking lot near Dante's View in Death Valley I noted 11 photographers with Technikas all lined up to shoot the valley below! A friend of mine had the Canham MQC 5x7 camera for a short while but it had several failings. The focus knobs fell of all the time no matter how well tightened down. The problem stems from the two setscrews at 180 degrees from each other which made the knobs impossible to really lock down on the shaft, they should have been placed 90 degrees to each other. The front and back standards couldn't truly be locked as the locking knobs were right at the pivot points for the base tilts so you could move the standards rather easily such as by putting a film holder in the back. The bag bellows was flexible but would get all out of shape and not fold at it's pleats once this happened. There are no field cameras to my knowledge that take the Sinar lensboard except the Sinar F which really is not a field camera by definition. To me a field camera is one that can be backpacked. I have seen many folks out there with Horsemans, Arca-Swisses, Sinars, etc. but they usually have to break down the camera for transporting (removing the bellows and or standards from the rail), not very convenient to say the least, think dust getting into the camera. With a real field camera you can very quickly set up and close the camera; I can set up and be ready to fire the shutter in very short order with my Technika if needed.

  2. #12

    4x5 Field Choices..

    Why is it that we feel the need to dish a camera like the Canham 57 that is primarily designed for low weight when we claim its shortcomings are an inability to lock the focusing mechanisms "tight". Maybe these folks would like to see a 3/8 inch bolt with an inch wing nut for a focus lock down? Then we would hear complaints about the fact that the camera weighs to much. From a design perspective, the focusing hold down mechanism is to keep the camera from moving its focus point. And for that designed purpose, it does a fantastic job. You do not need to get carried away with cranking on it. I own a Canham 57 and know four others that own the Canham 45 and the camera has performed perfectly for us for many years delivering tack sharp images again and again. Why do so many photographers feel that they need to muscle the controls I do not know. Must be a macho thing.

    Even if a problem was experienced, Keith would make it right as quickly as possible. Customer service to the nines. I would buy a Canham again and have no problem recommending them to others that use them as they were designed. They are very light weight and have long and flexible bellows.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Apr 2001

    4x5 Field Choices..


  4. #14

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    4x5 Field Choices..

    How does one "dish" a camera? Must it be cooked first?

  5. #15

    4x5 Field Choices..

    i enjoy a raw toyo from time to time.

  6. #16

    4x5 Field Choices..

    I have used just about every view camera out there at one time or another and have never had a knob come off except for the Canham. I do not muscle my cameras, I know exactly how to use them. In fact my friend did talk to Keith about it and all he could really do was tell him what size wrench to use to tighten the setscrews in the focus knob. The problem was not with the locking knob but with the focusing knob not staying on the shaft. By the way I am about as macho as you must be an ugly, overpriced, automobile, Michael Cadillac.

  7. #17

    4x5 Field Choices..

    Who had the problem with the camera? The guy that talked to Keith and was supposed to have been told what wrench to use or you? I do not believe for a minute that Keith responded in that way unless you or your friend was excessively abrasive with him. Since Keith is not here to defend himself, I will only respond with some common sense. His ability to make a living selling cameras is directly proportional is to his willingness to provide customers great service. So if he needs to replace a $10-20 part on a $2,500 camera, why would he not do it? Only a fool would resort to this proported activity, and Keith is no fool. The End

  8. #18

    4x5 Field Choices..

    My friend with the camera had the problem. Keith was very nice to him but did not offer to repair the camera itself, only to suggest retightening the setscrews on the knob. The MQC and DLC are fine cameras for lightwight use and do have a considerable range of movements, but a knob falling off from normal use is very frustrating in the field. I still stand by my observation that the setscrews are placed improperly from an engineering point of view to really be able to lock the knob onto the focus shaft without rotating and ultimately coming loose. Before I had the chance to use the camera I had read the article/interview with Kieth and looked at the ads thinking this would be my next camera to replace my Technika, it was only after actually using the camera a number of times that I felt it had some shortcomings for my use. I did in fact have the rear standard move backward while inserting a film holder, perhaps I should have been "macho" with the tilt lock knobs as you suggested I had done, but I don't do that sort of thing with fine products. So for now I will keep on using the Linhof, which with the lightest touch really does lock down solidly.

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Nov 1999

    4x5 Field Choices..

    Armin, does the Horseman FA have geared front tilt ?

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Jun 2000

    4x5 Field Choices..

    Thanks all for the infos.... have a nice day..

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