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Thread: A week in New Mexico

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    A week in New Mexico

    I am heading to New Mexico next week and will stay for a week. Will be flying in and out of Albuquerque. Main purpose is photography (Landscapes etc.) and to a lesser extent birding (Not interested in bird photography). What do you suggest for an itinerary?




  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: Aweek in New Mexico

    Lunch or dinner at the Mexican restraunt at the old AT&SF depot in Santa Fe

    The Christmas eve pageants you'll see at the pueblos aren't to be missed (especially when the buffalo dancers make their appearance!) I'm not sure exactly sure how to capture that with LF gear though.

    Also the illuminaria displays you'll find all over the place during Christmas time are pretty fantastic, especially the one in the plaza in Santa Fe. It's really neat if there is snow on the ground (which is likely since the weather we're getting here in Fresno is headed that direction!)

    The "Enchanted Circle" is always nice. Taos, Eagle Lake and Purgatory. I'd suggest you make sure you rent a "skier-ized" vehicle if you're headed for the mountains.

    Have fun!
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  3. #3
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Rio Rancho, NM

    Re: Aweek in New Mexico

    We're expecting a series of storms to come through starting this weekend, and running through the week. They are expecting from 1-3 feet of snow accumulation in the northern mountains. Thus your timing may be off, if you were expecting the usual great New Mexico weather, Hany. But, there may be lulls between the storms that will provide nice photo opps. I'd suggest checking road conditions and such upon your arrival, and adjust your itinerary accordingly.

  4. #4
    Virtually Grey Steve Gledhill's Avatar
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    Evesham, UK.

    Re: Aweek in New Mexico

    Quote Originally Posted by Hany Aziz View Post
    I am heading to New Mexico next week and will stay for a week. Will be flying in and out of Albuquerque. Main purpose is photography (Landscapes etc.) and to a lesser extent birding (Not interested in bird photography). What do you suggest for an itinerary?




    Can't really help with your itinerary although I have visited NM several times. But, as I'm a LF photographer and a birdwatcher (not photographer) too I'll comment that there is no way I can do both at the same time. You'd think it was possible, being out and about amongst landscapes with birds flitting about. But somehow I must use different parts of my brain which are mutually exclusive. I have to concentrate on one or the other. Both just doesn't work. I saw less images and less birds when I used to try to do both at the same time. Hope you have more success.

    Bisti Badlands is a great location to photograph - but I can't recall seeing even a sparrow on the two occasions I was there.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Austin TX

    Re: Aweek in New Mexico

    It's an unpredictable time to fool around with landscapes in NM. Although I like the areas north of Albuquerque (Santa Fe, Taos) you might be better served heading south by auto. Say White Sands area, and further south the semi ghost town of Mogollon is splendid if the road in is passable. You'll probably want to stay out of any high country unless you have a vehicle suitably equipped.

    I recently visited a lower altitude site between Albuquerque and Santa Fe called Tent Rocks (west of the interstate) Quite interesting slot canyons with limestone walls. Needs some imagination and perception to pull out compositions but I think there is some great opportunities therein.

    Nate Potter, Austin TX.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Vero Beach, Florida

    Re: Aweek in New Mexico

    If the weather is what Ralph predicts I would suggest going south. You will get great birding in Bosque del Apache NWR south of Albuquerque. From there I would go towards Alamogordo (White Sands, Cloudcroft, Oliver Lee Ranch, Valley of Fires and three rivers petrogyphs are all near there). You will want to visit White Sands early and at sundown. Silver City is another good direction, City of rocks State Park, Glenwood canyon and Mogollon are close by. Glenwood is also called Whitewater canyon, LF friendly location. Mogollon is a active ghost town, but waring the road to it although paved is not for the faint of heart. There are some great old towns near Silver City, Chloride, Hillsboro and Kingston.

  7. #7

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    Oct 2007

    Re: Aweek in New Mexico

    I've only been to NM a couple of times, and both times northern parts. Santa Fe and Taos and north. Part of the beauty of that part of NM for me were the huge aspen stands. I can imagine that at this time the leaves are off the Aspens and I would not find the northern part of the state as photogenic. It's fairly high country and I would think rather cold, but check that out for yourself, as my visits have been early fall visits.

    I also spent some time in Bandelier National Monument, which is a couple of hours from Albuquerqe, and about an hour from Santa Fe. This would be of most interest to people wanting to follow the history of the Anasazi Pueblo dweller. There are a lot of Pueblo ruins through out NorthWestern New Mexico.

    Hope you have a good trip. Like others, I suspect going South would be the way to go this late in the year.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Medicine Hat Alberta

    Re: Aweek in New Mexico

    Really enjoyed both White Sands and City of Rocks last month. At City of Rocks there is somewhere a 120 roll of TMax 100 in a plastic case marked Adox. That is mine! We spent most of an entire day at White Sands without exploring half of it or so it seemed. We went through Hillsboro at end of light but it is worth going to. Previously have been to Santa Fe and Tao in February and think that any time of the year is great for photography.

    Other than Sandhill Cranes which see here in large quantities I was disappointed in my feeble birding attempts, except for watching a road runner in Albuquerque.

    Try to avoid Avis at the airport or take a lawyer with you.

  9. #9

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    Jan 2001

    Re: A week in New Mexico

    Hany. I Agree that you've really got to watch out for the car rental agencies at/near the airport. Be very careful in signing the rental agreement.
    Note on taking possesion every dent, scratch, soiled upholstry, etc, that they could possibly charge to you when you return the vehicle.
    Especially check that they haven't removed the spare tire and sent you out into the wilderness without it.
    If you're heading North, be sure to rent tire chains and be sure they are the correct size for your tires.
    And have a wonderful time!
    Wilhelm (Sarasota)

  10. #10
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: A week in New Mexico

    Head to Tucson, Arizona! The last time I was in that area in December, I was photographing around Tucson and decided to check out White Sands, NM. Drove most of the way there and got turned around by snowstorms. Went back to Tucson and sunny weather!

    Tucson -- Saguearros (sp), missions, rocks. And the Center of Photography at the university!


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