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Thread: How are the new line of architectural cameras going to influence your work?

  1. #41

    Re: How are the new line of architectural cameras going to influence your work?

    i held off the temptation to get into mfdb/dslr as i heard that nikon where designing a new set of pc lenses a year or so back, the 24, 45 and 85. kirk has pretty much gone over the flexibility that these types of systems offer so i'd just like to add that the new 24 pc-e is good, although i tend to use it at f11 as it is visibly better there, and the 45 pc-e is excellent f11-f5.6 are all superb.

    the whole dilema of the mfdb scenario and the entire new camera system it implied was just too expensive for the "benefits" it provided, if i happen to come into a mf digital back in the future i would certainly use it on my hasselblad V system as the nikon d3 is more than good enough for all my commercial projects.

    probably not what bob wants to hear, but you need a studio/bank account lot of clout to justifiy the alternative.

  2. #42

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Re: How are the new line of architectural cameras going to influence your work?

    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Ambrose View Post
    Bob, its nice to hear that those new lenses may not be hyper priced. How about you talk them into some great shift lenses for DSLRs?
    They are supposed to be available next year. But they would not be able to replace a digital view camera as you would still not have back movements with a DSLR unless you used a camera system like the Wista body that accepts DSLR, 35mm SLR and MF cameras and view camera lenses.

    The Rodenstocks DSLR lenses that are announced are a 40mm, 80mm and a 120mm macro. The 40 will be a 4.0, the 80 will be a 2.8 and the 120 will be a 4.0.

    There was a press release about these on Luminous Landscape after Photokina.

  3. #43

    Re: How are the new line of architectural cameras going to influence your work?

    Explain the Wista body that accepts the DSLR, 35mm, and MF cameras and view camera lenses please. Where can I see one of these? The Wista site doesn't show it unless I missed it. Can you give me someplace to look.


  4. #44

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    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Re: How are the new line of architectural cameras going to influence your work?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gary J. McCutcheon View Post
    Explain the Wista body that accepts the DSLR, 35mm, and MF cameras and view camera lenses please. Where can I see one of these? The Wista site doesn't show it unless I missed it. Can you give me someplace to look.

    It is a flexible bellows called the Technical Rail II. It accepts, with adapters, various camera bodies at the back and Linhof Technika lens boards in front.

  5. #45

    Re: How are the new line of architectural cameras going to influence your work?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Salomon - HP Marketing View Post
    The Rodenstocks DSLR lenses that are announced are a 40mm, 80mm and a 120mm macro. The 40 will be a 4.0, the 80 will be a 2.8 and the 120 will be a 4.0.

    Those won't be much on a full frame 35mm format DSLR. I'd need something like a three lens set in 16, 20, 28mm or 18, 24, 35mm. That is the need not filled. I don't care what the maximum aperture is as they'll be used at f11 and 16 most of the time.

  6. #46

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: How are the new line of architectural cameras going to influence your work?

    Kirk, Sandy and all,

    I have just read this thread in full as I have a client who has requested a 120 meg file of the exterior of their building. This not the type of work I generally do but I have shot the site for them once before on my 5d. They are a very good client, my assignments are normally the staff, not the structure.

    Having never stitched, is it an easily learned process or should I stick to the tried and true for this exception and shoot film? I must deliver in the first week of Jan 09.

    Your thoughts on this are appreciated.

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