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Thread: An old tired Horse called the Lounge

  1. #51

    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Clinton, Ark.

    Re: An old tired Horse called the Lounge

    . . . the Jabberwockys are slain, the Klan models their latest crimson robes, the fly fishermen network, the freedom of speech debate continues, the "straw bosses" hide in the wings, and the dying horse still manages a weak snort now and then . . . guess I still gotta go back up the street to the old watering hole on occasion, if for no other reason than just to check the patient's vital signs. Give 'em heck!


  2. #52

    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Whittier, CA

    Re: An old tired Horse called the Lounge

    Ralph, you can save the energies to delete me because I won't be participating anymore in this forum.
    I wish all the members much growth with the wonderful medium we use.

    All the best,

  3. #53

    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Clinton, Ark.

    Re: An old tired Horse called the Lounge


  4. #54
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Rio Rancho, NM

    Re: An old tired Horse called the Lounge

    The LFPF was never intended to be an all-inclusive venue, but one that focused tightly on topics related to large-format photography. Just like Chinese restaurants tend to serve only Chinese food, we serve only large format photography. We operate on donated resources and moderators are volunteers with time limitations.

    The Lounge was intended to provide an area in which non-LF, but still photo-related, topics could be discussed without "contaminating" the core sub-forums. Unfortunately, political and religious discussions got out of hand, hence our decision to limit the topics here to those originally intended. As mentioned in the announcement of this change, that decision was made after considerable discussion among the moderators.

    Although we tend to be far more relaxed about our moderation policies than many photography forums, we do make a concerted effort to establish clear guidelines that can be easily followed by everyone, moderated in an even-handed manner and with some wiggle room for rationality. We also make a concerted effort to listen to the preferences of the members, but make decisions on the basis of benefit to the majority within the framework of the forum's primary objectives.

    The tight focus on large-format photography has allowed this forum to continue to be relevant to LF photographers over the years, while other, more diffused forums have come and gone, or have morphed into for-profit operations with commercial undertones.

    Those who insist on having an all-inclusive, anything-goes environment may be better served elsewhere.

  5. #55

    Join Date
    May 2007
    Ann Arbor, MI

    Re: An old tired Horse called the Lounge


    "We must cease dividing our life into compartments. Our life is divided into periods of work, vacation, and recreation. We have seperated businesss life, love life, and spirituial life from the time set aside for the body with sports, exercise and enjoyment.

    The society around us reflects and exagerrates this same compartmentalization. We have churches that house the sacred and commerce districts for the secular and profane; we have split off education from family life; the interests of business and profit making are divorced from those of the earth and its environment on which they depend.

    The habit of dividing up life is so strong that it fragments our vision everywhere we look."

    - Jack Kornfield

    I had to try to remember this url last week. I haven't been around for 1+ month. Not much of interest here anymore.

    I never used to visit the Lounge. Then I got drawn in, for whatever reason. I tried to be level and respectful, as I would be in person.

    I seriously thought about unsubscribing to LF after the collapse of the Lounge. Still not sure how much value this site will hold for me in the future.

    We will see I guess? Not sure how much it matters to anyone ... After all, Rob Galbraith crashed his wonderful site through much the same type of heavy-handed action. It was a shame, but we all survived and moved on.

    Same thing with PDN just about 1 month ago. RIP.

  6. #56
    Has Been LF Photographer
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Omaha, Nebraska

    Re: An old tired Horse called the Lounge

    It seems to me that people who are here only for political discussion in the lounge probably shouldn't be here in the first place.

  7. #57

    Re: An old tired Horse called the Lounge

    Losing one person that cannot come to grips with the moderators rules is a small price to pay for the many that will come, stay and contribute when they realize that this venue maintains and monitors its professionalism.

    To aspouse that a LF forum should lower the bar for political or religious discourses and the angst that inherently comes along is pretty foolish IMHO.

    Use the extra time to kick your income up a couple of notches and grease the wheels of commerce. Lord knows we all need to do our share as our economy continues to struggle.

  8. #58
    grumpy & miserable Joseph O'Neil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    London, Ontario

    Re: An old tired Horse called the Lounge

    Hey, maybe we should have a new forum and call it "The Pit", modeled after Penn & Teller's TV show "BS". While I don;t agree with everything those guys say, I like their outspoken chutzpa. Some days, we need something like there here too. Otherwise you guys get all too boring.

    Anyhow, the main rules will be "abandon all hope all ye who enter here" or something to that effect. Also there should be a warning (or promise) that you WILL be offended in "The Pit."

    ...yeah, okay, I hear you all ....I'll go crawl back under my rock......
    eta gosha maaba, aaniish gaa zhiwebiziyin ?

  9. #59

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sweet, ID

    Re: An old tired Horse called the Lounge

    I wish your photography genius would transcend this issue as we would all benefit from your continued participation in the other threads. I doubt any of your posts will be deleted therein. Please reconsider.

    The only trouble with doin' nothing is you can't tell when you get caught up

  10. #60

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Southern California

    Re: An old tired Horse called the Lounge

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Kadillak View Post
    Losing one person that cannot come to grips with the moderators rules is a small price to pay for the many that will come, stay and contribute when they realize that this venue maintains and monitors its professionalism.
    One person at a time and the time will show.

    I wish the new rules succeed and make all the hyper-sensitive souls among us happy. If nothing else, then because I'd hate to see them come to whatever other place I decide to switch to and ruin it for me, again.

    Speaking for myself, this forum has lost most of the attraction it once had with killing The Lounge and the palpable slide toward apug-like rigidity. I will therefore limit my participation to reading only and occasional checking the For Sale section, at least for the time being.

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