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Thread: Forum Change Announcement

  1. #181

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Brooklyn, NY

    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    Quote Originally Posted by davidb View Post
    Get over it Spivak. No more politics here.

    In your last 80 posts here, only 5 have been about photography.
    It's quality. Not quantity. I don't have many questions that need to be answered. When I do, I will post them.

  2. #182

    Join Date
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    nuevo mexico

    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    75 of those post pertained to politics.

    That is my point. If you have nothing photographic to say or talk about, why come here?

  3. #183
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Chapel Hill NC

    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    you wish it would just go away,
    and then you hit 'submit reply'


  4. #184
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
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    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    Quote Originally Posted by FocusMag View Post
    It's quality. Not quantity. I don't have many questions that need to be answered. When I do, I will post them.
    In the thread you started about "Contemporary v. traditional", I asked you specifically to give us your opinion in the subject, and I don't think you have provided any significant contributions, which is a bit surprising for the publisher of a magazine dedicated to photographic art. I suggest that the thought you (and others) put into extraneous subjects be put to use in those kind of dialogs. Instead, after you joined the forum, the number of gratuitous political threads increased dramatically. Those threads, by human nature always turn hostile, so by starting so many of them you were part of the problem.

  5. #185

    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    Well, nobody posted any waterfall pics. How about trees and rocks? Anyone got a few of those to show?

    Seriously, folks... I thought this was the Large Format forum, not the Get in a Fight forum. If I want to get in a heated argument I can just walk across the street to the construction site and say something disparaging about some big guy's recent matrilineal ancestry. I don't go looking for fights at a photography forum, for crying out loud.

  6. #186

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    Whittier, CA

    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    Quote Originally Posted by QT Luong View Post
    Instead, after you joined the forum, the number of gratuitous political threads increased dramatically. Those threads, by human nature always turn hostile, so by starting so many of them you were part of the problem.
    I can't believe I am taking David Spivak side.......
    QT are you saying that the person who is insulted is also to blame because he is the one who started some of the threads?
    What about the responsibility of the people who offend?

    What do you mean gratuitous political threads?

    WHat about this thread that might have offended deeply some people and was allowed to live and show how low Human nature can go?

    But my real question is: why not get rid of the offenders instead of banning political and religious topics in the Lounge, when we have seen in this very thread that an aggressive mind will be so at any occasion it finds?

  7. #187

    Join Date
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    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    Seriously, folks... I thought this was the Large Format forum, not the Get in a Fight forum.
    perhaps this thread should be moved to The Lounge.

  8. #188

    Join Date
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    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    I can't believe this thread is still going.

    Seems to get revived by a single person.

  9. #189

    Join Date
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    Brooklyn, NY

    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    Quote Originally Posted by QT Luong View Post
    In the thread you started about "Contemporary v. traditional", I asked you specifically to give us your opinion in the subject, and I don't think you have provided any significant contributions, which is a bit surprising for the publisher of a magazine dedicated to photographic art. I suggest that the thought you (and others) put into extraneous subjects be put to use in those kind of dialogs. Instead, after you joined the forum, the number of gratuitous political threads increased dramatically. Those threads, by human nature always turn hostile, so by starting so many of them you were part of the problem.
    With respect, I disagree with you. There is a level of intellect that many of the users on this forum hold that is exclusive to this forum only. A vast majority, 80-90% of the users in the Lounge had no problems with each other and never let any of the conversations get out of hand. This is simple physics. Cause and effect. You have a group of people who have no ability to join in the discussion with others and not resort to personal attacks. They caused the Lounge to deterioate. The effect was people complained and were turned off by the lounge and in effect the forum.

    There were indeed many threads I started, but the threads that did not have those users in it never went down. Several of us complained to those people to stop the attacks and that everything was fine until they came around. When the people who I mentioned did not partake in discussions, which 99% of the time turned hostile because of them, everyone else was able to have a normal, intelligent discussion. Donald Miller has started many, MANY more political threads than I have and ANY time they turned hostile it was due to the people who I mentioned deciding to attack either me or other people. No one else was in a fight attacking each other or me, except for these people. These people didn't attack me because of politics. Seriously, my personal and professional lives have no bearing whatsoever on discussions dozens of other people take part in discussions.

    As far as your post in that thread, I did not see it. I'll have to look again. I was wondering why such a good topic died out so quickly.

  10. #190

    Join Date
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    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    Quote Originally Posted by Dakotah Jackson View Post
    Don't know how to tie it in as no cameras when it happened ...
    Well, do you think the Shroud is a photographic image... or just an image?

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