
I have been trying Efke 25 in Photo Formulatory Pyrocatechin and ending up with a very dark stain. Granted it's supposed to make a stain but on the edges of film not exposed it looks to be about half as dense as fully exposed portion. I am shooting at rated ASA and developing in Jobo 3010. Originally I was developing for 12 minutes and stain was way to much. I dropped back to 8 minutes, water stop all at 75degsF and it still seems pretty dark. The pyro is about 3 weeks old, glass bottles. It looks like a blush wine so I assume it's still good. Should I drop to 6 minutes development time? How much stain should one shot for?

I contact printed and the results look "not bad". Grain looks okay as does acutance so it seems I am on the right track.

TMaX 100 does not pick up nearly the stain (as expected).

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