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Thread: Please review website and browser check in Windows.

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Please review website and browser check in Windows.

    Hello Everyone,

    I just completed a website for a photographer friend of mine.

    I'd like some feedback on what everyone thinks of it....the good, the bad and ugly.

    Also it seems the website when viewed in certain window browsers becomes huge (I'm running a Mac with Leopard). More than likely the user doesn't have their monitor set to the correct resolution. But I just want to confirm it's not my code.

    Many Thanks,

    John V.
    ScanHi-End Moderator

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Please review website and browser check in Windows.

    No problem encountered while viewing the website in Internet Explorer on a Windows Vista pc.
    It looks very simple in the most positive way. Excellent work, John.

  3. #3

    Re: Please review website and browser check in Windows.

    Works fine on W2K and IE6.

    But it's best on 1280x1024 resolution. At 1024x768, which is still very commonly used, its somewhat big in that the name image is really over dominant on the screen and you need to scroll to position pics so you can see them and the links at bottom of screen. For what is essentially a static layout, that could be better. Does the name really need to be that big?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Kaneohe, Hawaii

    Re: Please review website and browser check in Windows.

    I tried it both in IE7 and IE8. On IE8 the page is a bit bigger and not centered on the screen. IE7 was just fione.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: Please review website and browser check in Windows.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Champagne View Post
    .....At 1024x768, which is still very commonly used, its somewhat big in that the name image is really over dominant on the screen and you need to scroll to position pics so you can see them and the links at bottom of screen. For what is essentially a static layout, that could be better. Does the name really need to be that big?
    I was thinking the name/logo was a little too big also. Thanks I'll make it touch smaller.

    Anyone else feel the name/logo is too big?

    roteague > On IE8 the page is a bit bigger and not centered on the screen.

    Is 'IE8' Vista?



  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Kaneohe, Hawaii

    Re: Please review website and browser check in Windows.

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyV View Post
    I was thinking the name/logo was a little too big also. Thanks I'll make it touch smaller.

    Anyone else feel the name/logo is too big?

    roteague > On IE8 the page is a bit bigger and not centered on the screen.

    Is 'IE8' Vista?


    IE8 on XP. I didn't mention the OS, because it really isn't important. IE8 is still in beta, so it still has some quirks.

    However, current websites may break when IE8 is released, since it won't degrade into quirks mode by default, like IE7 and earlier does. I've taken to putting the following meta tags on my pages:

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7"/>

    to force them into IE7 mode, until such time as I can get them rewritten for XHTML compliance.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Kaneohe, Hawaii

    Re: Please review website and browser check in Windows.

    BTW, the logo size is just fine. Unlike some people, I don't design my sites for 1024x768. It's a photography website, and the target audience I am looking for is more likely to be running a much higher resolution than that. I would leave the logo as is.

  8. #8
    All metric sizes to 24x30 Ole Tjugen's Avatar
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    Re: Please review website and browser check in Windows.

    To me, on the laptop I use for everything except work, the pages are about 50 pixels too tall. Most browsers use lots of "top space" for various menu bars, so also with Opera v.9.50.

    Shrinking the logo a little would fix this.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Please review website and browser check in Windows.

    I'd make the logo smaller out of personal taste and because of the fact that some of us use laptops.

    When I am looking at a Simple viewer gallery I have no obvious way of getting back to the home page or to see other galleries unless I use the browser's back button....

    Oh I see... I had to scroll down.

    Put the nav at the top, it is simple and sparse enough.

    Better yet, show me how to get to the next gallery -- from Food to Drink -- without making me backstep.

    Good luck with the search engines with that type of site ;-p

  10. #10
    darr's Avatar
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    Re: Please review website and browser check in Windows.

    Looks fine on Mozilla Firefox 3.0.1

    The logo design is nice looking, but grabs my eye before the photos do. I would change the size a bit smaller. Also the contact page is begging to be spammed. I solved this problem on my site after months of frustration by finally spending a little for the superb forms program: MachForm.

    Overall, your friend should be very pleased!


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