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Thread: Foto 3 competition - follow up

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    nuevo mexico

    Re: Foto 3 competition - follow up

    I am interested in seeing who won and who the honorable mentions are/were.

    This is all that I and everyone else is asking for.

    If you cannot do this, give me the list of judges.

  2. #22

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Foto 3 competition - follow up

    The problem is, Harvey knows who the winners are (he's a Pooka after all) and if he tells Elwood P. Dowd, then he will know who the winners are.

    Now, if Elwood P. Dowd knows who the winners are then everyone else will want to know and then there will not be the need for the thread. If there is not a need for the thread, because everyone knows who the winners are then how can there be a thread at all? That is the Catch-22.
    Mike Castles
    My Web Site

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: Foto 3 competition - follow up

    I am interested in seeing who won and who the honorable mentions are/were.

    This is all that I and everyone else is asking for.

    If you cannot do this, give me the list of judges.

    Goodness gracious David. I've already done this and one of them was at the conference for you, and anyone else, to talk to. But then you did not go and have not kept up with the threads on this topic.

    My point exactly.

    steve simmons

  4. #24

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    nuevo mexico

    Re: Foto 3 competition - follow up

    Okay Steve, I did a search and come up with this...

    "Gary Huibretgse who is a Prof of Photography at CSU and Eric Paddock who is the newly appointed Curator of Photography and New Media at the Denver Art Museum"

    So there were only two judges?

  5. #25
    Going to Tijuana soon...
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Foto 3 competition - follow up

    I suspect that if I were a judge I wouldn't disclose any names of winners to a complete stranger nor would I be likely to remember them. Assuming that they can account for or remember choosing the 27 (less those categories where none entered*) it still doesn't mean that Steve actually awarded the prizes or notified the 'winners.' I say this because I find it beyond the limits of belief that the winners would want to be protected from the rabid Large format forum members. *I also find it beyond the limits of believability that there were not entries for b&w or colour for each group or that there weren't an additional 10 per group that would merit an Honorable mention (where they might have been mentioned being the crux of this thread).

    For lack of a better or more believable alternative it appears that Steve is not protecting the 'winners', but someone else entirely.

  6. #26

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: Foto 3 competition - follow up

    Yes David, there were two judges. Most competitions like this have one.

    steve simmons

  7. #27

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Nashville, TN

    Re: Foto 3 competition - follow up

    I believe the bigger issue here is that it was assumed that this was a contest that was going to be held in public. The winners and honorable mentions were going to be displayed at the conference and prizes given out. Also, the winners might also be published in one or more places including Viewcamera.

    Now there is only one winner and a host of secret winners.

    I find it hard to believe that anyone would win an art/photography contest of any sort and not want the public to know. I also find it hard to believe that these winners would hold comments made in this forum with such high regard. I certainly do not. I appreciate this forum for what it is, a casual environment to discuss a similar interest. The forum is great, but IT IS JUST A FORUM.

    If it was understood from the beginning that only the Grand Prize winner would be declared officially and the other winners be contacted privately, that would be another matter. This was not the case and I am still perplexed at the disorganized and unprofessional manner in which the entire event was handled. I expected more from Foto 3 and Viewcamera.
    Will Wilson

  8. #28

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: Foto 3 competition - follow up

    The GP winner was on the program, many of the other winners were displayed at the conference. What part of this do people not understand?

    One of the judges was at the conference for any and all to talk to. What part of this is a mystery?

    Look back over the character assasinations, allegations of criminal activity, of selling out, doing junket work, of daring to do conceptual photography which is a sellout apparently, of the whining of someone who did not win and claiming you have be be a professor on a tenure track to get pubished and the finding out the winner was a dentist and still not apologizing for the nasty remarks is a mystery. What part of people not wanting to be subjected to all this is a mystery?

    What part of no one bothering to contact the judges 40 days after I once again gave their names and work places so there could be an open conversation is a mystery?

    What part of no one reading my previous posts about respecting people's privacy is a mystery?

    The part that is a mystery to me is why the moderators allow this to go on and on and on and on and on and on.

    steve simmons

  9. #29
    Going to Tijuana soon...
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Foto 3 competition - follow up

    Why should anyone have to contact the judges to find out who won when the guy who ran the thing is right here? What has any of the noise on LFF, which you rightfully earned, but thoroughly over state, have to do with you posting the winners on the Foto3 site or in your mag? Steve it seems obvious to all that your hiding something.

  10. #30

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: Foto 3 competition - follow up

    By accessing this site, you agree not to abuse other site users, neither by posting offensive comments (like personal attacks or insulting language

    This rule has been violated repeatedly by people and the moderators just let it go. There is no interest in a reasonable dialogue here. I have been accused of selling out, committing fraud, hiding things, rewarding junket art, only showing the work of professors on a tenure track, blah, blah, blah.

    If there was so much interest then why didn't people come and see the winners we were able to display? Why didn't you talk to the judge at the time. Why didn't people participate? You could have come and seen the work and talked to the judge for free. Even Clay Harmon who was there has claimed we didn't show anything when we did. Stephen Willard's comment that I said we were not going to show the winners was untrue. We had as many of them as we could in the lounge and the GP winner on the program and I told him so when he asked me.

    I am truly sorry people did not come to see the photos we were able to display and talk to one of the judges. The photos and judge were there and available for all to see.

    For non-participants to show up after the fact and complain about not being there and seeing the display is insane and emotionally and intellectually dishonest. We were there, where were you? Five weeks ago I repeated the judges names and work locations and invited people to contact them to verify the judging and discuss the entries. No one has done so. If there was any true interest this type of followup would have happened. I have been transparent in showing as many of the winners as I could at the conference and having the judges available and no one followed up. Again, if you were really interested the info is available.

    As for not posting them - well I have explained many times. It seems that people here feel their wants are more important than the requests of the winners. Not so, at least in my book. As I have said, I am honoring their requests for privacy.

    steve simmons

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