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Thread: Replacing a Jobo Cog on an Expert Drum

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 1997
    Seattle, Washington

    Replacing a Jobo Cog on an Expert Drum


    I've read a couple of threads that discuss the removal of a cog from a Jobo Expert drum (, but I have not found a thread that discusses the actual replacement of the cog.

    Has anyone attempted to replace the cog after removing it? I have a drum where the red ring in the cog has cracked and is now broken. Not a causing any real problems, but it stays ensconced in the Jobo lift unit when I pull the drum off the lift (an annoyance at this point).


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Melbourne Australia

    Re: Replacing a Jobo Cog on an Expert Drum

    The red ring is (or was) a spare part. I have three spares in a plastic bag for when they do crack or break.

    I've gone through about 4 in the last 20 years.

    You can swap them over from another top if you must, then swap back when you use the other drum. Assuming you have more than one cog lid top.

    I have found that sometimes the red ring (seal) is a tad too thick, I just rub it on the finest emery paper on top of a piece of glass until it fits perfectly.


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 1997
    Seattle, Washington

    Talking Re: Replacing a Jobo Cog on an Expert Drum

    For anyone else who is trying to replace a broken ring, I phoned Omega-Satter. They sell the replacement rings at $4.95 each, but they tag on a $15 flat shipping fee.

    So, I went to the local photo shop and bought a Jobo cog for $12. Gently (use a thin, but dull blade) pry out the red ring from the new cog and seat it in replacement of the broken red ring.

    Sorry...should have though about this method first.

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