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Thread: sunrise/sunset BRING IT!

  1. #131
    Stephen Willard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Fort Collins, Colorado

    Re: sunrise/sunset BRING IT!

    Wow there are some amazing images posted here both in b&w and color which speaks to the talent that resides at this website. I have attached two of mine with a narrative of the latter image that I include with all my photographs. It reads as follows:

    This photograph was taken in celebration of the elegance and simplicity of nature. Too often we take for granted the simple things of the natural world and are dismissive of their singular beauty.

    I, on the other hand, realize that the sun's twilight is an integral part of nature's heartbeat. It offers a place marker for many biological systems, including ourselves, as a time to rest and a time to awake. Some are nocturnal while others are not. As the sun passes over the horizon, it triggers different vital functions in all living things. I have found that when I am out in the backcountry sleeping under the stars, my biorhythm becomes closely linked to the cycle of the sun. I sleep better, work harder, eat better, and feel better. When I return to the urban landscape and artificial light governs my day, I can grow weary and tired.

    When our sun is at rest on the horizon drenched in bold red light, it can offer a greeting to a new day, or it can signal to us it is a time for restful peace. It is a time that lies between day and night and tells us that the heartbeat of the land is strong and enduring. It offers us comfort to know that all is well.

    Compositionally, the photograph is simple in design and contains the four essential ingredients of our planet. It offers a little land for us to stand on, it provides us with a little air to breathe, it quenches our thirst with a little water to drink, and of course, it anoints us with the sun's eternal energy. I submit to you, what could be more worthy, elegant, and simple than a photograph of our precious star at rest on earth's horizon.

  2. #132

    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: sunrise/sunset BRING IT!

    Schmultzy but I like it

  3. #133
    David Gainer
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Philadelphia, PA

    Re: sunrise/sunset BRING IT!

  4. #134
    LJ Segil
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Highland Park, IL

    Re: sunrise/sunset BRING IT!

    I guess it's time for some more hackneyed sunrise shots. I'm missing the event as it is now occurring after I get to work in the morning, and as absence makes the heart grow fonder, I guess it also makes the brain more like mush. Anyway, two shots in quick succession from the shore of Lake Michigan, one autumn morning (non-call weekend, obviously), Canham 8x10, Astia 100F, 150mm SSXL with center filter and varying degrees of malexposure (my preferred shooting technique, it seems). Sometimes being near a major industrial center like Chicago is an advantage, the particulates in the air (i.e. smog, being more like it) can make for some remarkable colors as the light is refracted and reflected so unnaturally.

  5. #135

    Re: sunrise/sunset BRING IT!

    Here's a couple, from different seasonal extremes this year. Both were photographed on Astia 100f with a Tachihara 4x5 and a Fujinon 90mm f8.

    Late Summer Sunset, Ahsub Lake, Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, Minnesota

    Pastel Sunset, Ice formations, Lake Superior, Gooseberry State Park, Minnesota

  6. #136

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: sunrise/sunset BRING IT!

    Wow! Really liking the summer sunset one. Both very nice, but that one, well, great!

  7. #137

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Massachusetts USA

    Re: sunrise/sunset BRING IT!

    Massachusetts, 2009
    Sinar P, 360mm APO-Nikkor
    5x7 HP5+, Pyrocat HD

  8. #138

    Join Date
    May 2006
    grand rapids

    Re: sunrise/sunset BRING IT!

    Cross Village, Michigan. Summer 2009
    wehman, splitter board, 450mm nikkor, nd9 reverse grad, velvia, sunset.

  9. #139

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Seattle, WA

    Re: sunrise/sunset BRING IT!

    Chuckanut Bay at sunset, from the Pacific Northwest Trail a year and a half ago.

    (Velvia 100, Fujinon 300mm f/8 @ f/64 for those who want to know.)

  10. #140

    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    S. Bay Area, CA

    Re: sunrise/sunset BRING IT!

    Sunrise near Mutau Flats in Los Padres National Forest about a month or so ago...

    First day of rifle season for deer... I could hear the pitter-patter of hunters in the woods behind here. Needless to say, I was wearing plenty of orange.

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