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Thread: Web Marketing

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 1998

    Web Marketing

    I have my own website now:
    and I wanted to know how best to convert visits into sales. I tried googlewords and had a respectable number of visits but no conversions into sales.
    All help is much appreciated
    Yaakov Asher Sinclair

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Forest Grove, Ore.

    Re: Web Marketing

    Really nice images. They give me a different insight into large format photography.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Brooklyn, NY

    Re: Web Marketing

    First look on your website without studying it is that there is absolutely no way to buy your photographs. I spent about 10 seconds on there and didn't find anything that told me I can buy your photography. I didn't see a link that said "Purchase Photographs" or "Purchase Information" or anything like that. Your photographs are really nice and I like that you have a display of them flashing throughout, however; the menu system is a bit antiquated and simple looking. I recommend you change that and put a link that says "purchase information" that outlines how much your photographs are and what they sell for, how much shipping is, etc.

    Btw -- you're in Jerusalem, have you visited Vision Gallery? Neil Folberg is a very well respected curator and gallery owner.

  4. #4

    Re: Web Marketing

    There is actually purchase info, but as stated there is no clues about it on your home page. I like the simplicity of the pages and the images should speak for themselves.

  5. #5
    darr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    The South

    Re: Web Marketing

    Your work is beautiful. I could find purchase info, but I had to scroll my screen horizontally to do it. Try setting your web page design code to view 100% so viewers will not have to do the scroll thingy.

    Best Wishes,

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Spokane, WA

    Re: Web Marketing

    First off, let me complement you on how great your work looks. As another person said, it's something that I haven't seen all that much of in the past and I am immediately drawn to it.

    With regard to your question:

    The first thing that you need to do is find out what market you are looking at catering to. Who is your target customer? As many will no doubt tell you here, your approach to selling work will be quite different depending on the target customer. If you are going after gallery representation, you typically take a different approach than you would if you're going after stock/print sales.

    After you've answered that question for yourself, you may find that you need to re-evaluate how your site is laid out and its overall appearance. People browsing for prints to purchase will expect to see a pretty clear indicator about how to purchase the work. I don't see that on your site right now, so if your target customer is the general public, you may want to look at making that more clear. With the proper amount of market research, you may find that your target customer is more specific than the "general" public.

    Those who have had gallery representation are much more qualified to speak on how to accomplish that goal than I am, but if you're interested in selling direct over the web, perhaps QT can give you some pointers, as he depends on this method (as I understand it). If I'm wrong, please let me know.

    Again - You have some great work, but the time spent doing the homework on your target customer will be worth the effort.

    Ben C
    Last edited by Ben Chase; 26-Dec-2007 at 09:44. Reason: grammatical corrections

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Brooklyn, NY

    Re: Web Marketing

    The less work somebody has to do to buy something from your website, the greater the chance you'll turn visitors into customers. If they have to search for purchase information, you'll find a lot of visitors, but not a lot of customers.

  8. #8
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 1997
    San Jose, CA

    Re: Web Marketing

    In my experience, it simply takes more than what most would consider a "respectable" number of visits to sell a single print on the web. On average, I sell one print per 50,000 visits. It may help if it's more obvious than prints are for sale, but as it is, I think people who want to buy can figure it out.

  9. #9
    Doug Dolde

    Re: Web Marketing

    I don't see the problem, every image has a "Purchase" link next to it. You might want to use the Paypal "Buy Now" buttons for greater visibility but I doubt that is the problem.

    Great images by the way.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Baton Rouge, LA

    Re: Web Marketing

    First, your images are wonderful. I am impressed anew each time I view them.

    I have no experience in selling prints, but a little in increasing google hits. How many visits do you get a month? Have you used Google Analytics to look at your visitors and how they use the site? Are they coming in from a search engine and leaving again without viewing other pages?

    While your flash presentation is elegant, the interior image pages do not seem to generate google entries. For a site like yours, where each image has an evocative name with a rich history, you want search engines to see each page. You should also add more narrative to image description to catch hits from folks searching about the holy land and Jewish history and religion. Your moon cycle pictures are a good example - if each was on a different page, with a paragraph describing the site, each would get indexed and people could also link to them, all of which improves google visibility.

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