Hello! I´m getting fairly comfortable with basic editing my B&W scanned 4x5 - setting white and black points, mid tones, global curves.
When I see prints from those who create fine art, I am blown away. Local photograph changes using dodging, burning, and local contrast control, for example, can dramatically change how a photo looks.
My problem is that I don´t know what these tools generally can do (as well as the multitude of other digital editing tools), so I have difficulty visualizing the possibilities of my print. I´m doing trial and error, but seeing a lot of before and after teaching examples would be helpful, and start me applying them to my photos in a reasonable manner.
Are there any good teaching books that go beyond explaining the basics of what these tools do (to dodge, hit this button), and show/explain why to use these tools might benefit a photo (using dodge on this part of a photo is may be good for the following reason, and here are before and after shots to demonstrate the technique).
Thank you and best regards.

Michael A. Heald