I am planning a future trip to the Nl Parks, nature and preserved areas, state f orests of the western states. Last time, being accompanied, I was really annoyed as we had to leave the areas long before night to drive to the next town and fi nd a motel and where back when the sun was already high in the sky. Where I live , I drive in a small van, wander till night and drive discretely in a dirt side road where I spend the night sleeping in the van, back to work early morning. Of course I visit mostly non-restricted areas. Would I be able to do that in the S tates? Better to stay on a parking lot or hyde from the main road? Are Campers s ubmitted to regulations that normal cars are not? Official camping sites recomme nded? From an earlier post on "permits for photographers" I am quite in doubt!

Would you be willing to share your tips and experiences? I guess things have cha nged from the time when AA used to sleep on the roof of his car in the Nl Parks? Any gangs, nasty bears, zealous rangers or other problems report? Thanks!