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Thread: 8x10 field on a budget/ The perfect 210mm lens

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Las Vegas, NV/LA

    8x10 field on a budget/ The perfect 210mm lens

    Summer is nearly upon us and I'm trekking out for a couple of months to shoot for a series. It's time to part ways with my cambo sc and pick up an 8x10 field. Anyone have suggestions on cheaper fields. I was looking at the Wehman but it seems hes out till late 07, the Shen Hou seems decent.

    Also, I'm looking into a 210mm for 8x10, more specifically a schneider as I need maximum sharpness for portraits. Any recomendations/experience with. Coverage will seemingly be the biggest issue and I don't want to wind up with a 210 made for 4x5.

    As always thanks for your oppinions.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    now in Tucson, AZ

    Re: 8x10 field on a budget/ The perfect 210mm lens

    A 210mm for portraits on 8x10? That's pretty wide.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Massachusetts USA

    Re: 8x10 field on a budget/ The perfect 210mm lens

    Wide indeed. Do you intend to do group portraits - or do you like the noses large ?

    In 4x5 terms, it's a 103mm lens. In 35mm terms, its a 33mm lens...or a little shorter.

    Perhaps you meant a 210-equivalent, which would be 420mm.
    Last edited by Ken Lee; 27-Apr-2007 at 15:03.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: 8x10 field on a budget/ The perfect 210mm lens

    Quote Originally Posted by ShitKickerPhoto View Post
    more specifically a schneider as I need maximum sharpness for portraits
    Like other manufacturers, Schneider has produced a range of lens types with different characteristics, some of which may be appropriate for your purposes and some not. Unless you already understand the subtleties of different lens types and know exactly what you're looking for and why, I wouldn't start by limiting your search by brand.

  5. #5

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    Massachusetts USA

    Re: 8x10 field on a budget/ The perfect 210mm lens


    You were right ! You were right about the bokeh of Sironar-S lenses.

    Speaking of 210mm lenses, I'm waiting on a 210 Heliar to get mounted on a board. When I get it, I will compare the bokeh against my Sironar-S 150. (Not exactly apples-to-apples, but I'll do it).

    Who knows, maybe I'll have to trade in those Fujinons !

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Baraboo, Wisconsin

    Re: 8x10 field on a budget/ The perfect 210mm lens

    Dear Shit - The Schneider G Claron 210 stopped down to f16 and smaller works very well for 8x10though it seems like an odd focal length for portraits.
    Brian Ellis
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  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Las Vegas, NV/LA

    Re: 8x10 field on a budget/ The perfect 210mm lens

    In regards to the 210 I've considered how wide and am also considering a 240. My main reason for dropping down being that with my 300 I'm really pushing the limit on photographing people in uncontrolled light with the limited amount of depth of field I'm getting. (I don't do any work involving landscapes or controlled lighting -studio etc..) so the maximum amount of depth of field I can get is crucial to my work. In the research I've done It would seem as though 210 is workable as long as drops and movements are kept to a bare minimum to allow for proper coverage.
    So perhaps I should re-evaluate my neads, as of now I shoot with a rodenstock sironar N300 and its a nice lens but the dof, combined with how tempermental the sharp focus with sweet spots on it has provoked me to seek out a new.
    Soooooooo, what do you all think- 240/a schneider 300 even? I'm leaning towards the schneiders because I'v shot with a couple 150's and enjoy the sharpness they produce not limiting my search based on what I've heard, but that said I'm close to lense and repro in NYC and can rent lenses for the day so I'm open to other suggestions.

    Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Van Buren, Arkansas

    Re: 8x10 field on a budget/ The perfect 210mm lens

    I sure wouldn't consider shooting Portraits with a wide-angle lens, the distortion in the features of the face are considerable unless you are considering full-length portraits of people standing up, with space all around. 210 is for sure a wide-angle on 8x10, 300mm is considered normal and the portrait lenses of choice start at 375mm and up. Historically, Portrait photographers in the 19th century shot with their lenses wide open, or almost so, and used longer focal lengths and got acceptable, even exceptional portraits, by careful posing and careful focusing. If the eyes are sharp the portrait is good, generally.

  9. #9
    tim atherton's Avatar
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    Jul 1998

    Re: 8x10 field on a budget/ The perfect 210mm lens

    I've used the fuji 250mm for a lot of good portraits - half body and closer

    I might find 210 a little wide though
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  10. #10
    All metric sizes to 24x30 Ole Tjugen's Avatar
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    Re: 8x10 field on a budget/ The perfect 210mm lens

    "8x10 on a budget"???

    Try to find a 240mm Symmar convertible. Most 8x10" cameras have enough bellows (50cm +) to use them as the converted 420mm f:12, which isn't too bad for portraits. The 240mm also covers 8x10" with a little bit of movements, and isn't quite as wide as the 210mm. The 240 Symmar is one of my favorite lenses - all the way from 4x5" to 8x10".

    If you really want a 210mm which covers 8x10" with movements, the choise is limited. On a budget it's even more limited. The only one I can think of is the 210mm f:6.8 Angulon, which has plenty coverage, as it was made to cover 9.5x12"!

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