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Thread: Thickness of horseman 80x80 lens board

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Melbourne, Aust

    Thickness of horseman 80x80 lens board

    I am hoping some kind sole who has a horseman 80x80 lens board can take a measurement for me.

    I would like to know how thick the edge of the board is, where it fits into the (silver) runner along bottom of lens opening.

    I got myself a horseman 45fa sans lens boards, and wish to make up some boards, however when I measure the said runner, the gap seems to be about >2.5 mm, however my web research indicates the horseman board thickness it may be only 2mm, can someone confirm that measurement.


  2. #2

    Re: Thickness of horseman 80x80 lens board

    Hi Steve,

    using a ruler 2mm looks right but the board is reinforced on the back.

    Just bought a FA45 body myself but was lucky that my first lens was already mounted on a horseman board.

    Have fun,


  3. #3
    ic-racer's Avatar
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    Feb 2007

    Re: Thickness of horseman 80x80 lens board

    I have 8 Horseman lensboards (with 6x9 lenses) lying around here. Of note, there are 4 raised circular pads on the back of each lensboard that make critical contact with the camera. Looks like they each have been machined individually for each lens so you don't need to re-align the camera when changing lenses.

    I chose one board at random and measured the total lensboard thickness at each raised pad.

    These are the measurements I got:
    1.95 mm
    1.98 mm
    2.00 mm
    2.10 mm

    I remember in the 70s, I drafted up plans for a lensboard for my enlarger using 2mm aluminum stock and the machine shop said they could not make it because they could not get the 2mm aluminum. I suspect these days, with the magic of the internet, you should be able to get some 2mm aluminum sheet.

    By the way, I have been looking for a FA for a few years now. How much did you guys pay? There is one on E-bay now for $1700. That seems too much.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Melbourne, Aust

    Re: Thickness of horseman 80x80 lens board

    Thanks Guys for the replies. 2mm will be a good starting point, ... I had noticed the raise pads on the FA's front standard, .. but didn't realise there were corresponding ones on the lens board itself.

    The $1700 one does come with one lens also.

    I have also been watching the FA's prices on ebay (out of interest) and surprised how much they have been going for, .. however many look almost mint compared to mine.

    I picked up mine locally in Oz for a couple hundred AUD, however my bellows were attacked by a child before I got it. I jumped on the FA when advertised, as I thought it was in my price range ;-). Rest of camera is in fairly good nick.

    At US$400 for replacement bellows I am evaluating my options before rushing in and replacing. The FA bellows are very very thin single layer of material, I don't think the replacement bellows guys will have that type of material, it's so thin. It may be possible to remove mine and try to rescue them to a usable standard, no holes, just deformed and extra creases.


  5. #5

    Re: Thickness of horseman 80x80 lens board

    Hi Steve, sorry for bursting into your almost 9 year old thread (wooow 2007 was a long time ago) but I'm facing the same challenge like you had. I got a 45FA without a lens board and was planning to have mechanist make me a couple.

    Have you figured out the correct thickness and how far the light trap on the back should be recessed from the edge for example?

    I'd be grateful for any advise actually!

    Thanks a lot!


  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    Re: Thickness of horseman 80x80 lens board

    Quote Originally Posted by TillHunger View Post
    ...sorry for bursting into your almost 9 year old thread (wooow 2007 was a long time ago)...
    No apology necessary, to the OP or anyone else. Better to add onto an existing, relevant thread than start a new, redundant one. Keeps the archive clean and more easily searchable.

    Quote Originally Posted by TillHunger View Post
    ...I got a 45FA without a lens board and was planning to have mechanist make me a couple.

    Have you figured out the correct thickness and how far the light trap on the back should be recessed from the edge for example?...
    The Horseman 80x80mm lensboards are complex shapes with rounded corners, light traps, reinforcing ribs and precision-ground seating pads. It is not, in my opinion, worth exercising a machinist to make copies of them. Although not as cheap as they once were, brand new, original manufacturer's boards are still readily available:

    Only the much longer "top hat" board appears to be discontinued. Unless you specifically need that one, my advice is to order one of the above. Note that the Copal/Compur 1 board slightly extends the shutter so it clears the front standard.

  7. #7

    Re: Thickness of horseman 80x80 lens board

    Hi Sal,

    thanks a lot for you advise!

    I followed it and ordered a set of two lensboards ( 1x Copal0 and 1x Copal1) to get started.

    Thanks a lot again and happy holidays.

  8. #8

    Re: Thickness of horseman 80x80 lens board

    I have a question,
    I know horseman boards fit my Sinar, but do Sinar boards work on the Horseman?

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    Re: Thickness of horseman 80x80 lens board

    The 80mm X 80mm boards are available on the major auction site for cheap from China. I seem to recall paying $80.00 and up each for mine 10 or 12 years ago.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Thickness of horseman 80x80 lens board

    Quote Originally Posted by Adamphotoman View Post
    I have a question,
    I know horseman boards fit my Sinar, but do Sinar boards work on the Horseman?
    I use a Sinar Norma board on a Hoseman L type monorail and it is a good fit.

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