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Thread: Deleted View Camera Thread?

  1. #141

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Kaneohe, Hawaii

    Re: Deleted View Camera Thread?

    Both should be treated equally and both should be allowed to announce upcoming issues - which a lot of times, contains either articles by or about members of our community, or articles about our craft. VCs recent listings of LF film is one example. They both provide a service to our community.

  2. #142
    alec4444's Avatar
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    Re: Deleted View Camera Thread?

    Quote Originally Posted by MJSfoto1956 View Post
    Pretty much 100% of the photographers on this forum have links to their website(s) where they actively sell prints and/or services. The fact that they only make $1000 per year doesn't disqualify them from "being for-profit" in nature.
    That is true. And again I think the distinction is this: You can talk about your photos, attach your photos, etc but you can't say "buy it here" or post prices. And yes, I think the "I just re-did my site, what do you think?" posts are annoying and don't belong (or belong to a place explicitly for that purpose).

    Quote Originally Posted by MJSfoto1956
    Would it REALLY make a difference if MC or VC were a non-profit? (this is easy to do and wouldn't change a thing other than we would be then able to toot our horn and say "hey! we are a non-profit -- so give us a better break than a for-profit organization")
    Actually, I've always felt that if one wanted to get rich the way to do it is via a non-profit organization. But for this purpose, yes, I would think that would make a difference and that non-profits would be excluded from this policy. I don't know of any Large Format non-profit groups, so it's tough for me to really imagine that.

    I find your suggestions all appealing with the exception of the banner ads. That's one reason (among many, admittedly) that I'm here and not on photo.something.

    For individuals, I think a website link in their profile only is the way to go. That gives users a venue to finding their site if they seek it rather than having it plastered in posts or in "signatures" at the bottom of posts. OR a Personal Site Announcements thread separate from other things. But maybe I'm going too far.


  3. #143
    Michael Alpert

    Re: Deleted View Camera Thread?


    I think the question involves accommodating what both publishers are, in effect, requesting without compromising the forum. All of us want to have a place where we can freely exchange information and help each other. I think a corner of the forum can offer relevant commercial announcements on a one-time basis. There certainly is a history of aggressive self-serving behavior here (and elsewhere) that should be taken into account. The moderators have banned unruly members and have deleted over-the-top threads. I suggest that, if my or a similiar suggestion is adopted, everyone be put on notice that disregarding the limitation on new-product announcements will have consequences.

  4. #144

    Join Date
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    Re: Deleted View Camera Thread?

    I've got to admit that I've missed some of these posts. I've never been tempted by MC and as I stated yesterday I know nothing about it, BUT unlike other forum users who contribute posts that actually offer help and advice to other members all Steve Simmons ever seems to do is promote View Camera Magazine. Real practical help always seems to involve a reference to an item in the magazine somtime in the distant past. I assume that Steve has rether a lot of old issues that need shifting. As I've stated before I bought one copy from Robert White and decided that it was too heavily biased towards digital. Just out of interest, why did Robert White actually decide to stop stocking the magazine?
    QT keep up the good work.

  5. #145

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    Re: Deleted View Camera Thread?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Watkins View Post
    BUT unlike other forum users who contribute posts that actually offer help and advice to other members all Steve Simmons ever seems to do is promote View Camera Magazine.
    Perhaps, if people didn't keep hammering on the guy, he might be willing to offer more advice or just contribute more. Keep in mind, I don't know Steve, I've never met him, I've just seen the way he has been treated here and at APUG.

  6. #146

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    Re: Deleted View Camera Thread?

    Oh my goodness, APUG as well then. No smoke without fire, is there?

  7. #147
    MJSfoto1956's Avatar
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    Re: Deleted View Camera Thread?

    Quote Originally Posted by roteague View Post
    I've just seen the way he has been treated here and at APUG.
    And we all know how civil and kind and open-minded some of the folks over at APUG are!

  8. #148

    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Forest Grove, Ore.

    Re: Deleted View Camera Thread?

    We would like to thank everyone for their input and suggestions.

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