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Thread: Light reflection?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Culver City, CA

    Light reflection?

    I have a recurring problem that I think I've finally narrowed down as to its cause, but I was wondering if anybody has any suggestions to correct it. Basically, I'm getting what appears to be a light reflection on just about every piece of film.

    I'm using a Zone VI 8x10 camera and various types of holders from Fidelity and Lisco that range in age from old to older. The anomaly I'm observing is on the film at the dark slide edge as well as the opposite edge where the flap of the film holder is.

    After investigating this for quite some time, I've discovered that the sparse edges of the film holder that are still exposed within the camera body are reflecting light onto the film. I noticed this when I shined a flashlight into the bellows from the lensboard end of the camera and saw a reflection of the film holder's edge onto the film plane of the holder that was in place. It looked exactly like the anomaly that is present on my film.

    I've included a couple examples of what I'm talking about. These are 100% crops from 2000dpi drum scans of 8x10 transparencies.

    Does anybody have any solutions to this? Can I dull up the edges in anyway thereby reducing the reflections? Are any others experiencing this anomaly? Could other 8x10 cameras eliminate this problem or is this simply a problem with my film holders being too shiny? Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated?

    Thank you.


    Mike Boden
    Instagram: @mikebodenphoto

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Light reflection?

    Do all of your film holders make this effect? You could probably eliminate the reflection with a simple gaffer tape plainly sticked to slightly overlap the offending edge. If it's just one film holder, change it.

  3. #3
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Re: Light reflection?

    I am not sure this has any influence on your problem, but I also have a Zone VI 8x10 (of the Fred Picker, pre-Calumet era). I find that the baffeling on the back of the camera is insufficient. Unless the back is perfectly centered there is a chance of light leaking in -- especially if there is any sun shining on the back of the camera.

    This gives me a much different fogging mark than yours -- it is more like having a pinhole camera on the back of one's camera. I keep the darkcloth over the camera whenever the darkslide is pulled. I'll have to beef up the baffeling inside the camera one of these days.

    On second thought -- this probably has nothing to do with your problem...sorry. Good luck finding a cure.


  4. #4
    Robert Oliver Robert Oliver's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    Shell Beach, CA

    Re: Light reflection?

    Same batch of film?

    it's too straight and perfect to be a light leak in my opinion. I've never seen one that straight anyway.
    Robert Oliver

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Culver City, CA

    Re: Light reflection?

    This problem is definitely spread across different batches of film. Out of the two examples I've shown, the first is from this past Sunday using Velvia and the 2nd is from almost a year ago using Provia. It's also with every film holder I own.

    As for light leaks from the rear standard, I kinda ruled this out. While in a dark room, I shined a flashlight every which way around the rear standard while peering into the bellows from the front standard. I also did it in reverse with the light inside the bellows and me looking from the outside. Nothing!

    But like I said, I just happened to notice by chance the reflection on the holder when I shined a flash light inside. It created this very distinct and sharp line as well as a flare, just as in my examples. So I'm pretty confident that this is what's causing it. I'm going to do some testing with either gaffers tape or dulling spray or matte paint or somthing. I've also got an idea to add a thin strip of wood to the inside of the rear standard that would hide the edges of the film holder a little more from any light entering in from the lens, yet still allow me to expose full frame. We're only talking like an 1/16" or so.

    Thanks for all your input.
    Mike Boden
    Instagram: @mikebodenphoto

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Pittsfield, MA

    Re: Light reflection?

    got any wood holders lying about? I'd try one that's been repainted, with carefull attention to the edges.


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