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Thread: 150mm APO Sironar W -- Wow!

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Orange, CA

    150mm APO Sironar W -- Wow!

    Note that we have a new contender for an exquisite optic selling at an exquisite price: this 150mm APO Sironar W just sold for $1,710 on Ebay:

    Among relatively small, compact lenses this lens has outpaced the venerable Fuji 360A and even the 240mm Germinar W in resale value.

    Congratulations to seller Fred Newman, and may the new owner make many fantastic photographs with it (and may he/she have deep pockets too!).

    It is gratifying to see such auctions, as there is clearly strong demand for rare LF products, particularly within the 5x7 format for which this was lens was presumably purchased.

  2. #2
    Is that a Hassleblad? Brian Vuillemenot's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Marin County, California

    Re: 150mm APO Sironar W -- Wow!

    Looks like another case of designer lens worship syndrome. Why not buy a Nikkor SW, or even a Super Symmar XL if you're going to dump that amount of money into a 150 lens?
    Brian Vuillemenot

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: 150mm APO Sironar W -- Wow!

    Wish my auctions got some luvving ;=(

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2001

    Re: 150mm APO Sironar W -- Wow!

    Frank you only sell the wrong lenses;--))))


  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Knoxville, Tennessee

    Re: 150mm APO Sironar W -- Wow!

    If they could have gotten this much for them, they'd never stopped production.


  6. #6
    Ted Harris's Avatar
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    New Hampshire

    Re: 150mm APO Sironar W -- Wow!

    ::::::::::shaaking my head::::::::::: I paid $800 for mine in LN condition about two years ago and in a Compur shutter! However, if you look at the new price for the 210's that were offered last year and the 300's this year as part of special runs the eBay price is not so out of line.

  7. #7
    C. D. Keth's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Wink Re: 150mm APO Sironar W -- Wow!

    Quote Originally Posted by Armin Seeholzer View Post
    Frank you only sell the wrong lenses;--))))

    He's right. I hear you sell that Caltar shit, Frank. You need to sell some better lenses

  8. #8

    Re: 150mm APO Sironar W -- Wow!

    What's really amazing is earlier this week a sample of the Sinar version of this same lens sold for nearly $1000 less on the German eBay.

    Although I have one of these and think it's a great lens, I don't think I've ever seen one sell for more than $800 - well until now. In fact $1710 is about $500 more than the 210mm APO Sironar-W usually sells for.

    Oh well, that's the beauty of an auction. It only takes two people who REALLY want something to drive the price through the roof. As everybody else dropped out at, or below, $800, that seems to have been the case here.


  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: 150mm APO Sironar W -- Wow!

    wow, i'm in the process to sell my G claron 305 black copal... so, if you know two people who REALLY want it, please keep me inform ;-)

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Besançon, France

    Re: 150mm APO Sironar W -- Wow!

    About a comparison of different apo-sironars, there has been an interesting discussion here on photo-dot-net (thanks to David G., to whom I say "bonjour" for pointing this to me ; BTW in French, people would say : photo-point-nette, which translates as : unsharp photo) (2003)

    Arne Croell has placed a MTF chart (@10lp/mm : I would have preferred @20lp ) for the 300 mm apo-sironar N, the S and the W. May be if he reads this he could add a comment.

    This diagram is a good explanation of the different trade-off in the design between the -N, -S, and -W ; the apo-N does not really suffer by comparison except for its more limited coverage. And the -W is not better at the center.. but covers slightly more.

    Now for the extra 5° (in fact : only +2.5° on both sides of the image ) how much do you want to pay ? This is the real question..

    Another discussion, 2002

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