I've been watching and wanting one of these for a couple of month now but the eBay decriptions kind of scare me and info on the web is scarce. I know there are several generations of models, from the Norma Era right up to battery powered "digital" ones.

For the first time I saw a reference to one being an f/4 aperture versus a f/5.6 aperture and now I am entirely dicombobulated. Are all the older ones f/5.6 or was this a difference they had in their models all along?

If I get a nice clean older one, will it work with the bargain 90/4.5 lens I hypothetically hope to find someday (you know, the $200 shutterless lens that nobody wants.)

Also, while I see some auctions with the special long throw $100 cable release included, I am not sure what the special cable that goes between the shutter and the film back (for auto stop down) is called and what that looks like.

And finally, I understand the Sinar DB lens mount works with the digital shutter. Does it also work with the older shutters? Or do I look for Norma era stuff, DB era stuff exclusively?

It is damn complicated and I am about to give up but I thought maybe one of you guys might understand the "big picture" and Sinar history.