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Thread: Platinum, Gum Over Platinum and Collodion Workshops

  1. #1

    Platinum, Gum Over Platinum and Collodion Workshops

    I realize this is short notice, but I have a space available in my Intro to Pt/Pd workshop coming up on October 7-8 in Placerville, CA. Details are on my website. Contact me ASAP if you're interested in attending.

    Also, there is still room in my Gum Over Platinum Workshop for the Ansel Adams Workshops in Yosemite National Park coming up on December 1-3. You can sign up for this workshop on the Ansel Adams Gallery website: Winter is the best time to be in Yosemite!

    Things are starting to take shape for 2007. Here is a preview:

    Wet Plate Collodion

    Yosemite (Ansel Adams Workshops April 5-8)

    Gum Over Platinum

    Michigan (North Light Workshops May 16-20)
    Montana (Photographer's Formulary July 22-27)
    Toronto (TBA)
    Pittsburgh, PA (TBA)

    Intro to Platinum/Palladium Printing

    Placerville, CA (Spring and Fall TBA)
    Yosemite (Ansel Adams Workshops November 1-4)

    I am also available for 1-on-1 workshops in these processes. If you want more info or if you'd like to be on my mailing list, PM me or send me an email.

    Thank you!
    Kerik Kouklis

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Asheville, NC

    Re: Platinum, Gum Over Platinum and Collodion Workshops

    I can't recommend Kerik as a teacher enough. I just recently returned several weeks ago from a 3 day Gum over Pt/Pd workshop and I left stunned with how much he knows about the process. More than that though is how he conveyed that knowledge, without ego, generous to my average work, and unfailingly available, long into the wee hours of the evening. It was only my stamina that ended the days. I left wanting more and ready to get to work at home. If you have the opportunity now or in the future I would highly recommend attending one of his workshops, whichever it may be.


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    God's Country

    Re: Platinum, Gum Over Platinum and Collodion Workshops

    Gads, if only I were independently wealthy and didn't have to work... I'd be enrolling in the "Intro to Platinum/Palladium Printing" workshop in a heartbeat!

    This working for a living REALLY gets in the way of life!

    Life in the fast lane!

  4. #4

    Re: Platinum, Gum Over Platinum and Collodion Workshops

    Thanks, Monty!

    Capocheny - if you can get 3 or 4 friends together, I'll come to you and teach a workshop. Much cheaper for you (no travel) and more fun for me! I love BC. My grandmother and grandfather came to Victoria from Greece before they moved to Port Angeles, then California. I've been there many times and would love to come back.
    Kerik Kouklis

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    God's Country

    Re: Platinum, Gum Over Platinum and Collodion Workshops

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerik Kouklis View Post
    Thanks, Monty!

    Capocheny - if you can get 3 or 4 friends together, I'll come to you and teach a workshop. Much cheaper for you (no travel) and more fun for me! I love BC. My grandmother and grandfather came to Victoria from Greece before they moved to Port Angeles, then California. I've been there many times and would love to come back.

    You may just get your wish!

    Let me yatter with some of the same people who just attended the Per Volquartz workshop and we'll see what comes together, ok?

    We'd love to have you back up to our neck of the woods!

    I'll get back to you on this Kerik.

    Thank you.

    Life in the fast lane!

  6. #6
    Deniz Merdanogullari Deniz Merdanogullari's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Montreal, QC

    Re: Platinum, Gum Over Platinum and Collodion Workshops

    I am game.. would love to dive in to the deep end of Platinum printing. getting sick of this Fiber stuff
    Today did my first vandyke-kallitype print. boy was it ever fun!!!!

  7. #7

    Re: Platinum, Gum Over Platinum and Collodion Workshops


    OK, that's 2. Three or four more and we've got us a platinum party...
    Kerik Kouklis

  8. #8
    Deniz Merdanogullari Deniz Merdanogullari's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Montreal, QC

    Re: Platinum, Gum Over Platinum and Collodion Workshops

    a PM sent Kerik.

  9. #9
    おせわに なります! Andrew O'Neill's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Coquitlam, BC, Canada, eh!

    Re: Platinum, Gum Over Platinum and Collodion Workshops

    Well, if it's not too costly I'm in...That's 3 of the Vancouver 6.


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