Hello! I read the article about Pinhole Photography with interest. I made an 8x10 camera f375 with a focal length of 12 inches. I want to use it to make images that are not supposed to be sharp, that would complement alternative processes. I have cyanotype in mind.

My problem is that with the 12 inch focal length, the images look more like careless pictures that I let go soft, rather than images where the softness reinforces the image. With the wide angle images I've seen, the lightfall off (and sometimes circular borders, if that is what the photographer wants) emphasize the "alternative" nature of the pinhole images.

The few images that I've taken that I've liked have used motion as the theme of the image. As a result, I'm a stumped. Many of the images I had in mind when I built this camera I don't think will work because the camera doesn't emphasize the "alternative" nature of pinhole images enough at this focal length, particularly of landscapes

Whether by pinhole or lens, I'm curious what types of images folks have tried to take that purposely included image softness as part of the technique in order to emphasize the theme of the image. Best regards.
