4x5 Crown Graphic 135mm

Since I started shooting 35mm film in 2002 Nov, I have upgraded from manual SLR to autofocus SLR, and lately DSLR. And last year March I bought the Crown Graphics, since I realize landscape is my main focus. And after shooting thousands of pictures for my college on 35mm film or digitally, I sometime feel that I lost the ability and eyes to judge my work. Honestly I haven't taken any photography course, I learnt it all by trial and error, spending excessive time in the library reading those 70s/80s photography book and of coz on internet (instead of studying for my engineering courses and calculus :P). I am worrying that, geesh after all, do I really suck being a photographer?

Below is a comment from a college student who is currently studying photography, criticizing the photograph above:
I don't like the exposure on that one, but you're right, I do find that a crappy composition. Looks like a calculated long exposure and everything, and at the same time, it has a very snapshot aesthetic to it. Can't feel it. I know there's a good equilibrium to be met between a calculated shot and the snapshot aesthetic- like some of the Holga stuff. But this one doesn't really work. I'd say the angle is all fucked up.
Oh, and this is an image from the college student above, he developed and printed it himself, I guess he posted it publicly which means he's proud of it and likes the composition and exposure.

The comment is a little discouraging for sure. What do you guys think? What criteria do you guys hold while looking at a photograph?