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Thread: LF on 6 week trip to Europe... or not

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2006

    LF on 6 week trip to Europe... or not

    I'll be embarking on a 6 week trip to Europe at the end of this week. 4 of those weeks will be vacation, so I'll have as much time for making photos as my wife will endure (and she's remarkably patient as long as she has our 20D in hand). We'll spend a good while in Italy, some time in France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, the UK, Belgium, and perhaps Norway.

    We'll be travelling as much by plane and train as possible, and won't often have access to cars. As a result, we're trying to stay trim with our luggage, and consequently my gear. She'll have the D-SLR and a few lenses, and I'm definitely bringing my Mamiya 6 and lenses. My tripod - a Bogen 3021 - unfortunately takes up a lot of room and a has a goodly heft to it, but it's the smallest one I have, so it's coming with me.

    I like shooting 4x5 and making big enlargements, so I know I'll miss it no matter what - especially since I imagine many of my photos will be architectural photos. That said, I know most of the places we'll be in Europe are mich more crowded than the places I normally photograph (landscapes, etc), so I'm sure shooting with the Mamiya 6 will be much nicer at times.

    If I bring the 4x5, the kit will consist of a Tachihara camera, a 75/4.5 Grandagon, 121/8 Super Angulon (I could substitute a 100mm WF Ektar that has some fungus and scratches to save some weight and space), and a 210/5.6 Fujinon W. I shoot with Grafmatics, so the weight of the LF kit alone should be right around 15 lbs.

    Many days we'll be carting all of our luggage with us on trains, buses, and on foot for a significant portion of the day as we travel between locations and seek lodging for the night.

    My questions:
    1) How much will I kick myself if I leave my LF gear at home?
    2) How often will I feel comfortable setting up my LF camera for a shot?
    3) For church, castle, and other building interiors, how accepted is it to set up for tripod photos?
    4) Any chance if I leave my LF camera behind, I'd be able to get away with just a monopod for my Mamiya 6?

    I'd appreciate any insight anyone has. I need to make a decision by Friday.

    Thanks for putting up with the long post.
    - Jon

  2. #2
    SF Bay Area 94303
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    SF Bay Area

    Re: LF on 6 week trip to Europe... or not


    Take either the 4x5 or Mamiya, not both. Too much stuff, too confusing. The Tachihara is great, but those lenses are in the anchor class, what about a 120mm and 90mm angulon and 210mm tessar of some sort (Nikkor M 200mm or old Zeiss) or even a 210 G-claron. A nice small 4 section carbon fiber tripod would help too.

    On my last trip to Spain I took one small manual SLR 35 mm film camera and one zoom lens, 35mm to 85mm and one 6 inch tripod. My Tachihara stayed home. Would it have been nice to have, yes, but I would have seen a lot less of Spain. It just depends on what you want to do. Have fun.

  3. #3

    Re: LF on 6 week trip to Europe... or not

    Considering the number of places you plan to visit, considering the time of the year you are travelling, considering the nature of your destinations (i.e. touristic sights, inevitably crowded), considering that you are not planning to have your own independent mode of transport, I'd leave the LF gear at home. I do this every summer, and over the years have settled on taking a single medium format camera and a DSLR.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2000
    Tamworth, Staffordshire. U.K.

    Re: LF on 6 week trip to Europe... or not

    I can only speak about the U.K. but the use of tripods inside many of our historic buildings is not permitted. Churches are not too bad especially if you offer a small donation towards the cost of their upkeep. I havn't been to the capital for some time now but stories have been printed in the photographic press about people using tripods being harrassed by the forces of law and order. You're covering a lot of land in a short time so in your circumstances I would leave the L.F. gear at home. PETE.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2001

    Re: LF on 6 week trip to Europe... or not

    Sorry but I found such questions really silly!
    How can I know what is in your head and soul!
    Be a man an take a desicion for yourself!!!
    Last edited by Armin Seeholzer; 29-May-2006 at 02:44.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: LF on 6 week trip to Europe... or not

    Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply. I'm leaning now even more towards just bringing the Mamiya 6 and a monopod. I know I'll wish I had my 4x5 and its movements at times and there's still the suspicion that I could just squeeze it into our big rolling suitcase and be no worse off.

    Anyway, thanks again.


  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: LF on 6 week trip to Europe... or not

    LF on 6 week trip to Europe... or not ?

    Wilhelm (Sarasota)

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: LF on 6 week trip to Europe... or not

    I think ultra light is the key. Your tachi, two small lenses, meter, a light tripod that collapses small enough not to be a hassle(especially on trains) doubled black t-shirt, ready loads, a loupe and some filters shouldn't wiegh a lot.

    Alternatively, maybe three or four holders and a changing bag instead of ready loads---you can load your holders in the laundry mat while your Bride writes the postcards home.

    LF isn't about convenience.

    Sounds like fun!
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  9. #9

    Re: LF on 6 week trip to Europe... or not

    I would vote not. When I went to france in april, I took my 20D and an old medium format agfa folder. I found I kept wanting to used to folder for it's small size and discreetness. But I only had 2 rolls of film slower then 3200, D'oh!

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Re: LF on 6 week trip to Europe... or not

    I have made one one trip overseas with my Toyo. I had five lenses, 15 film holders, meter, filter and a Mamiya 645 system in the bag. I found it not to be to much of a hassle, sometimes to keep the wife happy I locked the LF gear in the hotel safe, and stuck with the MF gear. But the best pics from the trip are the LF ones. I say take it. It might slow you down but the results will be worth it.


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