Hi, guys anyone out there familiar with the type of black paint used on the top coat of modern Omega negative carrier for 4x5 enlargers? (ie, flat back, ultra flat black, satin, etc .) I assume it's an oil based enamel (vs water based acrylic). Correct?

(Background: I just bought an OLD custom-sized, unpainted aluminum Simmon Omega negative carrier because the cutout opening is a few millimeters smaller than the actual image area of the negative. I want this feature because of the artifact this produces on the printed image edges.

However I do not like the black border that a highly reflective negative carrier surface such as unpainted aluminum would create, so I wish to professionally paint my negative carrier's aluminum surface with the appropriate type of black paint to block light reflections creating a black border. I originally thought to go with an ultra flat black top coat and call it a day, but am concerned ultra flat black would prove to be abrasive and scratch the silver side of the negative during handling or would not wear well). Looking at my own 4x5 omega carriers the paint seems like some type of non reflective style at the very least and not glossy.

My goal is to paint it with the least reflective black enamel paint that is also durable safe for the surface of the negative during normal handling. Or simply default to the exact type of paint Omega used in their modern carriers.

(As I understand it, I would need to first paint a bottom layer directly of self etching primer before applying the black top coat.).

Any input appreciated.

