As a light source for my DIY 11x14 enlarger - I’ve been leaning towards following ic-racer’s suggestion…to employ a single-color (white) LED light panel, and then filter this as necessary to affect contrast changes in VC papers.

With the above in mind…Superbright lists an LED “sheet,” which measures 12X24 inches, which I can trim to size as needed. It consumes 30 watts and 24 volts, and is available in the following color temperatures: 2700K, 3000K, 3500K, 4000K, 5000K, and 6500K.

What I need to know is which color temperature to choose from the above?Knowing that a PH212 on an Omega enlarger rate at just under 3000K, it would seem obvious that this (temperature LED) is what I should choose, but a bit of digging around indicates that LED’s behave a bit differently than do tungsten based lamps, and that their CT ratings might need to be different as well for my application/use with VC filters.

Ideally, I’d be using such a light source with two Rosco filters (sheets between light source and negative) - one being a green #389 and the other a blue #68. My research indicates that Steve Sherman has had great luck with using these two filters for split grade printing.

My gut tells me that I should go with a color temp. closer to either 4K or even 5K - but maybe not? Hmmm…