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Thread: Lens__ Circle of confusion

  1. #61
    Alan Klein's Avatar
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    Re: Lens__ Circle of confusion

    Quote Originally Posted by pgk View Post
    Except with dome ports which produce a virtual image at 4r from the centre of the dome's sphere.

    Actually its a wonder that we ever get 'sharp' images with all these complications. I would suggest that photography is, in practice, an essentially empirical activity and (although in my case my original background was in photoscience) we gain experience and as we doo we start to understand many of these and other interactions intuitively because we assess the images produced and learn from them. Digital has speeded this process up.

    In generalist photography I am unsure just how much of the science behind image creation is relevant, although it is often interesting and can at times provide an insight into observed phenomena.

    Still, what would photforums be without something to discuss and argue about?
    Yes dome ports do correct but my Nikonos didn't have one. I shot through the Nikonos lens directly. The other thing is that refraction works through an underwater mask as well. So everything appears 1/3 (25%?) closer to your eyes as well as to the film. The issue is that when you're shooting let's say a 35mm lens, refraction causes the lens to "see" as if it is a 50mm lens due to the refractive magnification.

  2. #62

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    Re: Lens__ Circle of confusion

    Quote Originally Posted by reddesert View Post
    Doremus, in your second paragraph you wrote "Diffusion is always present ..." but obviously meant to write "Diffraction is always present ..." - just for clarity. ...
    Corrected. Thanks!

  3. #63

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    Re: Lens__ Circle of confusion

    Quote Originally Posted by phdgent View Post
    Thank you Doremus, at last a serious answer!

    Now I have to 'transfer' this as I have the impression that the therms and expressions you quoted can change during translation.
    "Confusion", for instance, has so many different equivalents through translation in Flemish/Dutch all having a completely different (contradicting) contents, even in physics, hence my initial question...

    I can't help with Flemish, but maybe the German will give you a starting place.

    Circle of confusion = Zerstreuungskreis
    Airy disc = Airy Scheibchen



  4. #64

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    Oregon now (formerly Austria)

    Re: Lens__ Circle of confusion

    Quote Originally Posted by reddesert View Post
    ... For photographic imaging in pictorial situations, the image blur size is a combination of the effect of diffraction, non-ideal optics, and defocus, and the relative importance of these terms depends on the f-stop in use.
    Yes, indeed. There's a sweet spot between DoF and diffraction effects that I always seem to be trying to hit. Final print size (and viewing distance) make a big difference here too. I won't hesitate to use f/45 (on 4x5) when needed, but then try to keep print size down to 11x14" or smaller.



  5. #65

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    Sheridan, Colorado

    Re: Lens__ Circle of confusion

    Quote Originally Posted by Doremus Scudder View Post
    Yes, indeed. I won't hesitate to use f/45 (on 4x5) when needed...


    For me, f22 is just a number, not a wall. There are times when I need to climb over it. And since I like macro work, f16 can become f45 very easily.

  6. #66
    Drew Wiley
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    Re: Lens__ Circle of confusion

    Depends on the size of your enlargements. Diffraction starts visibly kicking in with 4x5 by 20X24 print size when viewing close-up, or possibly even in a 16X20 print. I try not to go past f/32 with 4X5, or f/64 with 8x10.

  7. #67

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    Re: Lens__ Circle of confusion

    I try not to get very close to my very large prints. With a little practice, it's quite easy.

  8. #68
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Lens__ Circle of confusion

    People get nose up to mine. I strategize them that way - the push/pull of distance. I want the general composition to be compelling from further away, yet to draw the viewer in to explore the detail over and over again, and keep discovering new things, not only in detail, but actual composition. If I can enjoy a big print on my own walls for decades, then I consider it a success. But when I need a break into my alter-ego, I pick up the Nikon and some grainy film and make poetic little prints which might not be truly sharp at any level.

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