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Thread: What's your favorite internet falsehood on photography?

  1. #81
    Mark Sawyer's Avatar
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    Stuck inside of Tucson with the Neverland Blues again...

    Re: What's your favorite internet falsehood on photography?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Noel View Post
    I have bookcases filled with valuable photo information...
    One of my favorite photographic peccadilloes is often found in old photography textbooks, where the author has included an array of images of the same scene but printed at different contrasts from high to low, showing the difference between them. And whoever did the printing of the book didn't know the context, and dutifully corrected all the images to normal contrast.
    "I love my Verito lens, but I always have to sharpen everything in Photoshop..."

  2. #82

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    Seattle area, WA

    Re: What's your favorite internet falsehood on photography?

    Quote Originally Posted by gypsydog View Post
    This favorite from this morning, an article comparing the quality of digital vs full frame digital vs large format. The author states that he didn't use an actual 4x5 to make the image but rather photographed the cameras ground glass, goes on to say its the same thing as making an actual large format film image. Wish I had saved the link, it was hilarious.
    That sounds amazing, maybe you could find it on the Internet Archive. Would be worth it.

  3. #83

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    Jul 2023

    Re: What's your favorite internet falsehood on photography?

    favorite myths...

    photoshop will fix all your mistakes

    movies like Pecker are how things happen in real life... that movie has made so many idiots with a cell phone camera, and 30,000 pictures of their breakfast believe themselves to be the greatest photographers alive.

  4. #84
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    Re: What's your favorite internet falsehood on photography?

    Quote Originally Posted by Torquemada View Post
    favorite myths...

    photoshop will fix all your mistakes

    movies like Pecker are how things happen in real life... that movie has made so many idiots with a cell phone camera, and 30,000 pictures of their breakfast believe themselves to be the greatest photographers alive.
    I didn't know that was a myth. photoshop can fix an awful lot of mistakes that used to take a lot more time / effort to fix using leads, a blade and the gum stick ... regarding breakfast, usually once someone does something 10,000 times they are pretty good at it. 30,000 times they must be pretty good.. besides usually the food photographs aren't supposed to be "art" they are supposed to be the person eating the food thumbing their nose at everyone else because they're eating it, and it looks good, and everyone else is watching the performance. it's all performative.

  5. #85

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    Jul 2023

    Re: What's your favorite internet falsehood on photography?

    Quote Originally Posted by jnantz View Post
    I didn't know that was a myth. photoshop can fix an awful lot of mistakes that used to take a lot more time / effort to fix using leads, a blade and the gum stick ... regarding breakfast, usually once someone does something 10,000 times they are pretty good at it. 30,000 times they must be pretty good.. besides usually the food photographs aren't supposed to be "art" they are supposed to be the person eating the food thumbing their nose at everyone else because they're eating it, and it looks good, and everyone else is watching the performance. it's all performative.

    on theres a guy who did 2,000 food photos with his cellphone,, and they made him the designated "mster guru of all food and product photography". You disagree with something he says,, your profile just stops to exist on that site.

    the trend, from the PPA downwards is that ALL images taken with a digital camera, and even film camera, need to be run through photo shop in order to make the images "worth while". The editing bug is so out of it, its not funny. Watched a youtube video on "famous" photos that were kicked out of contests for editing..

    one of an elephant was kicked out for "reshaping the edge of a torn ear". What actually happened is that the "photographer" used photo shop to put the left ear on the right side of teh elephants head, and the right ear onto the left side of its head,, and that was "fine" to almost everyone but the judges..

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: What's your favorite internet falsehood on photography?

    Quote Originally Posted by Torquemada View Post
    on theres a guy who did 2,000 food photos with his cellphone,, and they made him the designated "mster guru of all food and product photography". You disagree with something he says,, your profile just stops to exist on that site.

    the trend, from the PPA downwards is that ALL images taken with a digital camera, and even film camera, need to be run through photo shop in order to make the images "worth while". The editing bug is so out of it, its not funny. Watched a youtube video on "famous" photos that were kicked out of contests for editing..

    one of an elephant was kicked out for "reshaping the edge of a torn ear". What actually happened is that the "photographer" used photo shop to put the left ear on the right side of teh elephants head, and the right ear onto the left side of its head,, and that was "fine" to almost everyone but the judges..
    I've never bothered to participate or care about photo contests. they are always like that. SSDD ..
    its good that the PPA has as that requirement, THAT is what photography is in 2023, not tri-x d76 and an enlargement/contact print on paper.
    if I was going to hire someone and they didn't know how to photoshop I wouldn't hire them.

  7. #87

    Re: What's your favorite internet falsehood on photography?

    In photography, what you see online isn't always the whole story. Like with George Eastman and roll film – there's more to it than the usual tale. And then there's Photoshop. It's amazing, but sometimes it feels like the skills behind the lens take a backseat to editing.
    By the way, I stumbled upon this neat collection called "couple sleeping images." It's a cool mix of real and ideal, showing just how creative photography can be.
    It's all about balancing art and tech in photography. How do you see it?

  8. #88
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: What's your favorite internet falsehood on photography?

    before digi won the race

    LFPF had Print Exchanges by mail worldwide

    Requirements varied

    but every person had to print and ship all prints to a single person

    then they were remailed as LFPF portfolio xxx

    I organized 3, not an easy rodeo

    My last one was 8X10 or 11X14 PRINTS!

    I will post mine below

    made 28 exact prints using an old contact printer

    I cherish the prints

    web 2 Minutes to Midnight by TIN CAN COLLEGE, on Flickr
    Tin Can

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