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Thread: why does this happen on some posts?

  1. #31
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: why does this happen on some posts?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oren Grad View Post
    I don't use it, so I can't tell you from my own experience. But obviously this thread exists because Paul has been having some trouble with it.
    Me Too

    It is Spam
    Tin Can

  2. #32
    Paul Ron's Avatar
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    Re: why does this happen on some posts?

    well its back again. doesnt matter if im logged in or not.

  3. #33
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    Northern Virginia

    Re: why does this happen on some posts?

    I do not believe it is “this site’s software bug.” I get the nag from time to time in all the forums in which I participate that have a Tapatalk interface. But I have never gotten it every time. I see the nag sporadically at most on my iPhone.

    Do you leave the forum open on a tab in your browser? I do, but I still see the nag once in a while, but no more often than that. I’ve been leaving it open routinely just to monitor because of this complaint.

    I will look into it more.

  4. #34

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    Re: why does this happen on some posts?

    For me it’s happening a lot. 100% of the time after getting automatically logged out and looking at a thread in the logged out mode. Then the same after logging back in and looking at a thread. Just once in each mode it seems but I’ve not really done a detailed study to verify that it’s just once. Inconvenient but not a major problem.

    iPhone X and Safari.

  5. #35
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    Feb 2001

    Re: why does this happen on some posts?

    I dont' stay logged in, I barely ever get the tap talk message on my phone ( 2x since October ). when I do it's no big deal I just tap on the safari button. and maybe 3 weeks later I do it again ..
    my software is up to date on my iPhone 3 with a 3rd party TRS80 skin.

  6. #36
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: why does this happen on some posts?

    Ai is finding our ways on this forum

    It has become better recently

    as it learns this forum

    BUT OUR Internet has become a wasteland with everybody SELLING

    Tin Can

  7. #37
    Paul Ron's Avatar
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    Re: why does this happen on some posts?

    Quote Originally Posted by rdenney View Post
    I do not believe it is “this site’s software bug.” I get the nag from time to time in all the forums in which I participate that have a Tapatalk interface. But I have never gotten it every time. I see the nag sporadically at most on my iPhone.

    Do you leave the forum open on a tab in your browser? I do, but I still see the nag once in a while, but no more often than that. I’ve been leaving it open routinely just to monitor because of this complaint.

    I will look into it more.
    im not on a smart phone. this is an android tablet recently replacing an older tablet. the nag was on the old tablet as well.

    using my windows xp machine just has a security certificate issue with this site but it allows me to add certificate when i go advanced on the notice to download a certificate. i dotn use my compter much on the internet, its too outdated... but no nag.

    if not logged in... i still get the nag on the first message i open. the nag gives me a choice to use chrome or tap talk... i click on continue and i dont see the nag the rest of that session.same happens if im logged in. i generally stay logged in using the remember me feature.

    staying logged in still doesnt keep the nag away from day to day although i am logged in. the first post i open has the nag then its goid for that session. if i leave to another site andvreturn, the nag is back on the first post as if im starting a new session.

    i only see the nag on this site and no place else. im on several sites where i am using the remember me feature to stay logged in. other sites i visit randomly also never shows the nag.

    its not a problem or deal breaker... its a heads up to this site as a software glitch you should be aware of. when i said its back, the next day or per session, the nag doest appear for several days but returns. i then posted its back and again it goes away. soooo that says whatever you did on your side of the screen fixed the problem... at least temporarily for a few days.

    as far as my software?... logically, i doubt it. must be a hole in your system.

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Northern Virginia

    Re: why does this happen on some posts?

    Well, we didn’t do anything on our side of the screen because we can’t think of anything to do. There is no setting to bypass the nag from our side, and that is confirmed with recent posts I could find on developer forums. And Tom couldn’t think of anything, either.

    I studied all the Tapatalk settings in the admin control panel but me making any unsupervised change there would be very dangerous, to say the least. But we did also discuss it on the moderator back-channel.

    You wouldn’t see the nag on your computer because Tapatalk is a smart-phone app only.

    I hope it remains at least tolerable.

    Rick “cannot use his work computer for forums and therefore is stuck with the phone” Denney

  9. #39
    Paul Ron's Avatar
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    Re: why does this happen on some posts?

    hahahaha, i can imagin the spaghetti of settings you have to look through. but its back again. seems whatever you guys did or didnt do, it goes away for a few days but returns.

    smart phone? doesnt seem very smart for more than a few days at a time. btw this isnt a phone, its an android tablet.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: why does this happen on some posts?

    maybe it's something to do with your router or ISP. Sounds like a PITA to have to deal with such nonsense. I was told by a friend that his anti advertisement system is so good that he got a note from the yooo-toooob to let in their ads or not use their service. LOL, needlesstosay he didn't. maybe there's a similar choke you can ask your ISP for or an adware/spyware add on through the android App Store that might alleviate your tap talk issues .. I know for a wile there my spam cop thought he was "cannon" but after too many sinkers we had to retire him .. unlike cannon he wasn't unto the task of running and doing the seal-glide across the deck of a boat or slippery floor to nab the bad guys. im using spam assassin now and he seems to be on the job.

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