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Thread: [Asking for advices] The very first 150 mm lens to buy

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2023

    Question [Asking for advices] The very first 150 mm lens to buy


    I've decided to start large format photography with a Sinar F2 4x5 (for landscapes, portraits, and objects in various situations). My very first lens will probably be a 150 mm. But I'm looking for advices, on the model and buying tips (I live in Europe).

    For now, I have two lenses in mind:

    - Schneider Apo-Symmar 150 mm
    - Rodenstock Apo Sironar N 150 mm

    Here are my questions:
    - How to decide between these two?
    - Any interesting alternatives?
    - Schneideritis "scares" me, is it possible to avoid it?
    - Is it relevant to check the serial number of the lens and why exactly?
    - What should I be checking for if I buy online, let's say on eBay?

    Thank you very much for your help!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2012
    Jacksonville Florida

    Re: [Asking for advices] The very first 150 mm lens to buy

    Both are good. Don't be afraid of Schneideritis it is only on the barrel and does not effect the image.
    I started with a slightly wider 135 Symmar many years ago and still have 24x30 and 8x10 Cibachromes on the wall.
    I had one transparency converted to digital (640MB) and had a 30x40 print made about 15 years ago.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: [Asking for advices] The very first 150 mm lens to buy

    Either one of those lenses would be fine. IMO, alternatives come down to your budget. I'm sure you could find a Fujinon W 150mm lens cheaper than the two you're considering, and there's the more expensive Rodenstock S series of glass.

    Don't worry about Schneideritis. In my experience, it has no affect on image quality and many LF lenses--brands other than Schneider, too--reveal this issue.

    I've never checked the serial number of any LF lens I've bought over the years. Honestly, I wouldn't know how.

    When buying, you should pay most attention to the glass; cleaning marks, separation, coating issues. You need a working shutter, of course, but these can be serviced.

  4. #4
    ic-racer's Avatar
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    Feb 2007

    Re: [Asking for advices] The very first 150 mm lens to buy

    I presume you will be buying used as those lenses are discontinued. Check that the correct front and rear cells are present and the filter rings are not dented. Make sure the glass is clean and free from scratches and fungus. Make sure the shutter has the correct f-stop plate and the speeds are in spec. Make sure the shutter comes with a mounting ring. Ensure the cable release socket is present and not broken

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Purcellville, VA

    Re: [Asking for advices] The very first 150 mm lens to buy

    Welcome to LF! This is the place to be on the web for any and all things related.

    I can't speak to the fine points of lenses; others will. On the home page of this site there's some good info about lenses you may wish to review as well.

    As to buying, I would add two things. One, if buying from the auction site or similar, look for very good and complete photos, seller ratings, possibly a reputable dealer, and contact the seller before buying with a question(s) that can be answered by someone who knows what he or she is talking about.

    Two, consider the option of waiting until you can buy from someone on this board (you have be a "member" for 30 days first; the classifieds will then appear under the forums list. No guarantees, and there is no rating system, but my experience has been excellent, it's easy to communicate through private messages, and often the equipment offered has been lovingly cared for by its owner and the price is reasonable.
    Philip Ulanowsky

    Sine scientia ars nihil est. (Without science/knowledge, art is nothing.)

  6. #6
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: [Asking for advices] The very first 150 mm lens to buy

    Buy the best possible

    on eBay

    as you will get your money back

    I prefer to buy from Japan
    Tin Can

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Sheridan, Colorado

    Re: [Asking for advices] The very first 150 mm lens to buy

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan9940 View Post
    Either one of those lenses would be fine. IMO, alternatives come down to your budget. I'm sure you could find a Fujinon W 150mm lens cheaper than the two you're considering, and there's the more expensive Rodenstock S series of glass.
    I agree -- and there are several other comparable, modern lenses such as Nikon, Computar, Caltar, etc. that can save you $$$, if that is a concern:

    First, decide what features you want in the 150mm -- size, weight, filter diameter, shutter, image circle, coating, max f-stop, etc.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenbank, WA

    Re: [Asking for advices] The very first 150 mm lens to buy

    Both lenses you are considering are excellent. I'll second the advice about making sure the filter threads are not dented or not dented and repaired. Even if a filter fits, if you need to disassemble it to clean off internal haze (it happens, sometimes) getting it apart would be a big problem.

  9. #9

    Re: [Asking for advices] The very first 150 mm lens to buy

    Quote Originally Posted by Wanisun View Post

    I've decided to start large format photography with a Sinar F2 4x5 (for landscapes, portraits, and objects in various situations). My very first lens will probably be a 150 mm. But I'm looking for advices, on the model and buying tips (I live in Europe).

    For now, I have two lenses in mind:

    - Schneider Apo-Symmar 150 mm
    - Rodenstock Apo Sironar N 150 mm

    Here are my questions:
    - How to decide between these two?
    - Any interesting alternatives?
    - Schneideritis "scares" me, is it possible to avoid it?
    - Is it relevant to check the serial number of the lens and why exactly?
    - What should I be checking for if I buy online, let's say on eBay?

    Thank you very much for your help!
    I own that Schneider APO Symmar. It's superb. Tack sharp and contrasty edge to edge. So long as it is mechanically sound and the price is right, that would be my choice.

    For the record I have/do own Rodenstocks and they are also very fine lenses so you cannot wrong either way.

    WRT to eBay, here is what I look for:

    - Vendor reputation - I (almost) never buy from anyone with a feedback score under 99%
    - Number of transactions the vendor has completed - I am reluctant to trust low count vendors
    - Location - Even if the vendor is reliable, it's a real pain to return things internationally
    - Returns policy
    - Price
    - Condition
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  10. #10

    Join Date
    May 2012
    Jacksonville Florida

    Re: [Asking for advices] The very first 150 mm lens to buy

    Quote Originally Posted by tundra View Post
    I own that Schneider APO Symmar. It's superb. Tack sharp and contrasty edge to edge. So long as it is mechanically sound and the price is right, that would be my choice.
    The last of the Symmar's does appear to be the "best". But sometimes the oldies are remarkably good, For example I once aquired a lens cheaply because it had a brown haze to it. Well it turns out it came from a smokers house and after removing the elements the "haze" completely wiped off.

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