My photo club is looking for a speaker for one of its meetings to be held next fall in Montréal. The AREMAC club is one of the two clubs in Canada that are devoted to B&W photography. A few members are into MF and LF photography, but most stick to either 35 mm or digital. Meetings are normally held in French, but most members are also fluent English speakers, so let's forget about French as a requirement for this time!

The ideal speaker/conferencer/lecturer/demonstrator or whatever should:

- be a dedicated B&W photographer, experienced in the traditional ways of B&W (experience with high end digital printing could also be interesting) who enjoys sharing tips with somewhat less advanced fellow photographers;

- have some prints to show;

- be able to share some of its experience in LF, Zone system, B&W printing, etc, or the results of some experiments in techniques and/or materials he's made (our large darkroom allows for on site demos);

- be in Montréal one Tuesday evening from 7 to 10 PM in either October or November 2006;

- be ready to do it for very little money (it's unfortunate that our club is so poor!)

We had a terrific experience with a New England photographer last year (I'm not sure I should mention his name here, but he's a contributor on this forum) and if anyone from this area, or from Québec or Ontario, could visit us and share ideas and thoughts with us again, we'd appreciate it a lot. And hopefully that would be fun for the speaker too.

Just drop me a note if you're interested.