Which of these three options is the "best" way to home scan your work to maintain an online portfolio and distribute to clients (in your opinion), assuming you shoot all three formats?

1. Use an Epson V850 to scan film.

2. Use a DSLR and macro lens to scan film.

3. Scan silver gelatin or RA-4 prints with a photo document scanner.

Why don't you recommend the other two options? What do you do to scan your work for your online portfolio?

My answers:

I've been DSLR scanning my negatives until now. I rarely look forward to doing it . I don't use negative carriers because a tripod and ANR glass work well enough. I don't bother stitching. The lack of automation is miserable, but I work around this by only scanning the few frames I want to use.

I don't use an Epson V850 because I'd rather wait until it falls into the $300 - $500 range (if ever). I can't see myself buying a scanner that doesn't do 135, 120, and 4x5 with some form of automation. I'm reluctant to own an expensive, older scanner with legacy software.

Scanning prints - although ideal in theory - is impractical (to me) because it takes hours to make a competent print, and it's challenging to match the two. However, I'm experimenting with this approach again.

Note: I didn't see a recent thread dedicated to this. Let me know if there was one.