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Thread: Photos Used to Generate AI Images for Client So Photographer Never Shoots Again

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: Photos Used to Generate AI Images for Client So Photographer Never Shoots Again

    Quote Originally Posted by ic-racer View Post
    I have always contended that digital 'photography' does not require a camera.
    no type of photography requires a camera. and film photograph has been photo illustration since the 1840s. it's no different, just a new crop of cranky people who don't like what photography has become..

  2. #42
    Alan Klein's Avatar
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    Re: Photos Used to Generate AI Images for Client So Photographer Never Shoots Again

    Quote Originally Posted by jnantz View Post
    What can I do with Bitcoin ? I can trade it for over $16,000.00.
    only a chump would buy frozen velveeta … it’s only good for grilled cheese with 3 bacon strips a tomato and slices of green apple..Bitcoin has a higher value …
    I hope you didn't buy it at $60,000. I'm waiting for the Velvia 50 4x5 in my freezer to go to $16,000. Of course, by then, the question will be did AI leapfrog it?

  3. #43
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    Re: Photos Used to Generate AI Images for Client So Photographer Never Shoots Again

    I guess your film might be a good investment, but IDK the chemistry will change and it might be difficult to develop a full color diapositive (unless you are Harry Dean Anderson or his brother from another mother), and who knows, the terrestrial baseline ambient radiation might have already done it's work and exposed your plates by that time (the freezer probably doesn't help much and is just a $sink)
    .... LOL I think Philip K DIck wrote about this back in 1971.

    have fun with your film, I love cross processing it, sometimes they look like orotones (without the banana oil and gold ) which are kind of fun.

  4. #44
    Drew Wiley
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    Re: Photos Used to Generate AI Images for Client So Photographer Never Shoots Again

    Alexa is the first thing you want to pull the batteries from. One more nag. I have live cats for that kind of thing.

  5. #45
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    Re: Photos Used to Generate AI Images for Client So Photographer Never Shoots Again

    Quote Originally Posted by Tin Can View Post
    Image Crime

    The Virtual are subjugated into timeless image slavery

    Fight for Virtual Rights!

    Right OFF

    Soul Theft

    Photos Used to Generate AI Images for Client So Photographer Never Shoots Again

    im not sure what the problem is with these images ... advertising images, Facebook and linkedIN mugshots are all ephemeral and not "art" from what I can tell and if they are art, whatever ...
    If someone doesn't have to leave the comfort of their covid free, cold free, flu free, 7plagues of Egypt free home to make some sort of cheesy photo illustration why not?
    If someone wants to buy a computer generated landscape or seascape or urban blight-scape, and it is fabricated by some sort of AI thing I don't really understand why that is a bad thing, they bought it why not sell it to them. it's not
    like the AI is going to stop you or me or anybody else with a camera from making photographs and indexing what's infront of us, it's just allowing clients to get stuff cheep (some ad work is already shot in video and stills plucked from the stream by some sort of underpaid person anyways), photographic creations have existed since daguerreotype . this has been the way of film and video for decades with entire movies shot infront of a green or blue screen, at least no one is dying from mercury poisoning, cyanide fumes or oxalic acid induced rubber bones syndrome. I think it would be fun to make digital negatives of AI invented things and then make other stuff from it, why not?
    I also make prints from screen shots broadcast from the international space station which may or mayn't exist, I did see Capricorn 1.

  6. #46
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Photos Used to Generate AI Images for Client So Photographer Never Shoots Again

    I WAS tongue in cheek, so few understand me

    Boo Hoo

    The real problem is we are just in the way.......... humans...dust to dust

    Soon the bots will use us for grease


    or is that goonies

    I really do pity our very young
    Tin Can

  7. #47
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Photos Used to Generate AI Images for Client So Photographer Never Shoots Again

    At least some of the ancient Egyptian elite got repurposed by having their mummies ground up into a brown paint pigment actually called Mummy, which was popular in the Victorian era. Their dust lives on as art.

    But given today's diet, it probably will be more realistic to convert us back into that grease we've been eating all along. Instead of being labeled, Mummy, the cans of lubricant will be labeled McDonalds.

  8. #48

    Join Date
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    Newbury, Vermont

    Re: Photos Used to Generate AI Images for Client So Photographer Never Shoots Again stores now - right next to the Soilent Green!

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