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Thread: How do you clean your ground glass and make it brighter?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2011

    How do you clean your ground glass and make it brighter?


    How do you clean your ground glass and make it brighter?

    I was looking at my camera's ground glass and at a friend's
    ground glass. His looks brighter; not the brightest, but
    brighter. Compared to his ground glass, mine seems to
    me a bit dimmed. Not opaque, but relatively dim.

    Is there something I could do to clean it, to make it brighter;
    or at least, to make it as bright as possible?

    All your suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated!

    Thank you in advance, kind regards!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    South Dakota

    Re: How do you clean your ground glass and make it brighter?

    I wash mine in the kitchen sink using a little dish soap, then rinse off with distilled water.

    Kent in SD
    In contento ed allegria
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  3. #3
    Embdude's Avatar
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    Mar 2018

    Re: How do you clean your ground glass and make it brighter?

    Quote Originally Posted by Two23 View Post
    I wash mine in the kitchen sink using a little dish soap, then rinse off with distilled water.

    Kent in SD
    I do the same and use comet - a gritty dry cleaning powder. The older the GG the brighter it gets as these can get pretty dirty over time...

    Generally the finer the grind the brighter it can get but you will start to see bright spots and edge vignetting from indirect light approaching the edges.
    I have seen projection foil used in place of glass to give a perfect zero grain image but vignetting is greatly incerased with wider lenses...

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: How do you clean your ground glass and make it brighter?


    Thank you for your messages : )!!!

    I used today a bit of dish soap. It looks good.

    Then, this afternoon I saw Embdude's suggestion
    to use 'Comet'. Is 'Comet' a bit abrassive? In
    the nearby supermarket, one can get 'Ajax' that
    seems to me similar in the description to 'Ajax'.
    I have used 'Ayax' to clean away difficult stains
    from surfaces. I just wonder if 'Comet' or 'Ajax'
    won't be very strong on the ground glass. 'Ajax'
    has also bleach. Can one also use bleach? I have
    liquid bleach here at home that I can even dillute
    a bit.

    Thank you again, kind regards!

  5. #5
    Aspiring LF photographer
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    Re: How do you clean your ground glass and make it brighter?

    One caution with strong cleaners. If your GG has inked lines for framing or a grid, there is a possibility that they will "cleaned off" or at least lightened by aggressive cleaners or a solvent. Best to test a spot if this is a concern. Mild dish soap plus soaking time worked well for me. Same for a fresnel. And if there is a fresnel, make sure you note the order and orientation of fresnel and GG when you remove them, so you can put them back the same way.

  6. #6
    Embdude's Avatar
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    Re: How do you clean your ground glass and make it brighter?

    I haven't tried bleach but that is a very strong chemical. I use a wet finger and gently rub a bit of comet... Ajax is basically the same stuff... as mentioned you can erase or fade any guide lines drawn on the glass. If the glass is clear then you can be much more aggressive with abrasive cleaners... I cleaned a Cambo monorail GG once that had a decal for grid lines and it completely came off! ouch.

  7. #7

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    Re: How do you clean your ground glass and make it brighter?

  8. #8
    Nicholas O. Lindan
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Cleveland, Ohio

    Re: How do you clean your ground glass and make it brighter?

    Grid lines on Sinar ground glass can come off with a spritz of Windex.

    I no longer clean the ground/grid side of ground glass. Since the ground side is on the inside of the camera it should not accumulate any grime or grease-pencil marks.
    Darkroom Automation / Cleveland Engineering Design, LLC
    f-Stop Timers & Enlarging meters

  9. #9

    Re: How do you clean your ground glass and make it brighter?

    Quote Originally Posted by nolindan View Post
    Grid lines on Sinar ground glass can come off with a spritz of Windex.

    I no longer clean the ground/grid side of ground glass. Since the ground side is on the inside of the camera it should not accumulate any grime or grease-pencil marks.
    It does over time. You just don't notice it.
    Richard T Ritter

  10. #10
    Pastafarian supremo Rick A's Avatar
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    Re: How do you clean your ground glass and make it brighter?

    I use Bon Ami or Bartenders Friend cleansers on glass surfaces, they are less abrasive than Comet or Ajax and rinse away easier. I use a sharp "HB" pencil to restore any grid lines that have been worn away.
    Rick Allen

    Argentum Aevum

    practicing Pastafarian

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