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Thread: Apo Grandagon 35mm Ultra wide & Toyo VX 125 ?

  1. #1
    Beverly Hills, California
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Beverly Hills, CA

    Apo Grandagon 35mm Ultra wide & Toyo VX 125 ?

    Does any one on this forum have direct experience using the Rodenstock Apo Grandagon 35mm Ultra wide lens on a Toyo View VX 125 camera to say for sure if it's possible or not?

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2

    Apo Grandagon 35mm Ultra wide & Toyo VX 125 ?

    Yes - you need a 25mm recessed lens board (I have all my lenses on Linhof Technika type boards and use Toyo adaptor boards - I have a flat one and a 25mm recessed adaptor board). I haven't specifically used the 35mm Rodenstock, but I have used the 47mm Schneider XL frequently. On a flat lensboard, you can focus the 58mmXL at infinity and the bellows still allow for several inches of movements.

  3. #3
    Beverly Hills, California
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    Feb 2000
    Beverly Hills, CA

    Apo Grandagon 35mm Ultra wide & Toyo VX 125 ?

    Toyo advertises the VX 125 only down to the 47XL lens.

    I believe the flange to focal plane on the lens I'm asking about, the Rodenstock Apo Grandagon 35mm is appx. 40.0mm. I'm curious as to real world experience as to the workability of the 35 on the VX 125. Thanks Don.

  4. #4

    Apo Grandagon 35mm Ultra wide & Toyo VX 125 ?

    Linos literature gives the FTFP on the 35mm Grandagon as 43.2mm. The Schneider 58XL is 69mm and it focusses with a bit of room to spare on a flat lensboard. 69 less 43.2 is 25.8mm - I think you will be fine with a 25mm recessed lensboard....

  5. #5
    Jack Flesher's Avatar
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    Los Altos, CA

    Apo Grandagon 35mm Ultra wide & Toyo VX 125 ?

    I think Toyo only specs down to 47mm since that is the last lens that will cover 4x5...

    Again, not conclusive but supports the above: I can infinity focus my 55 APO Grandagon on a flat board -- Tech board on lens attached to the camera via the Toyo flat Tech to Toyo adapter. The simple math with the 25mm recessed board gets us to a workable 30mm lens -- not conclusive, but certainly compelling.

    I think the larger concern is if adding a roll-film back or digital sensor back, is the back-spacing the same as the 4x5 GG? If so, I think you are going to be okay. However, if it is set back even a few mm, it may be close.
    Jack Flesher

  6. #6

    Apo Grandagon 35mm Ultra wide & Toyo VX 125 ?


    If you get this definitively worked out let us know. Most of us VX 125 owners desire to know.

  7. #7

    Apo Grandagon 35mm Ultra wide & Toyo VX 125 ?

    The way I went was to get two adapters for the Technika boards. I have a flat one for the usual lenses and a 40mm recessed adapter for the 65mm and 47mm. The flange to film distance can be set as short as 22mm with it and is much better than having the lenses mounted on clumsy and expensive recessed boards. At 38mm the bellows are still adjustable by 20mm shift or rise, no need for a bag bellows.

  8. #8

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    San Francisco

    Apo Grandagon 35mm Ultra wide & Toyo VX 125 ?

    What the heck will you be shooting with a 35mm lens? My 65mm is gathering dust in the closet, because I find it so absurdly wide; I really can't imagine the point of a lens twice as wide.

    This is a serious question, by the way. Real estate interiors? Skyscrapers? Some weird kind of landscape? Table top?

  9. #9

    Apo Grandagon 35mm Ultra wide & Toyo VX 125 ?

    >What the heck will you be shooting with a 35mm lens? My 65mm is gathering dust in the closet, because I find it so absurdly wide.

    You have to think 120 film with those lenses. A 65mm on 6x7 matches a 33mm in SF. A 47mm a 24mm. And a 35mm... an absurdly wide 18mm.

    But as far as I am concerned, those lenses are certainly the least used in outdoor photography. Might suit some styles though.

  10. #10

    Apo Grandagon 35mm Ultra wide & Toyo VX 125 ?


    What is your widest lens that does not collect dust in the closet?

    What do you shoot that leads you to never use anything as wide as 65mm on 4x5? For example, if you shoot landscapes, where are you shooting and what are your subjects that would lead you to never use 65mm or wider?

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