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Thread: 58mm Super Angulon XL

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Eugene, Oregon

    58mm Super Angulon XL

    What's everyone's experience with this lens?

    I'm in the process of purchasing one and making it my 'super-wide' angle. I want to make sure I'm making a good choice. Does anyone use a center filter with it? Anything else I should know?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Knoxville, Tennessee

    58mm Super Angulon XL


    I've used one that belongs to a friend and use a 55mm Apo Grandagon myself. You will need a center filter if you're not comfortable with noticeable drop off - which isn't always a bad thing.

    Here's a link to a photo he took with the 58mm SA XL without a center filter, so you can see about what the fall off is going to be.


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    58mm Super Angulon XL

    I have both the 72xl and the 47xl. They are both incredible lenses! With the 72 I do not use a center filter, this lens has plenty of movement on 4x5 and will cover 5x7. I suspect on 5x7 you would want the cf.

    When I purchased the 47 I had hoped to not use a cf, my experience was that needed it. I considered the 58 at the same time I made this purchase but when you compare the coverage on the 58 it is about the same as the 47, so I figure if you want to go wide go all the way. This is my go to lens, very sharp. It will bring your toes and the hilltops and the clouds all into the same frame.

    Thats my experience, I hope it helps.


  4. #4
    Beverly Hills, California
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Beverly Hills, CA

    58mm Super Angulon XL

    Steve, which (58XL vs. Apo Grandagon 55) do you like better and why?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Eugene, Oregon

    58mm Super Angulon XL


    I actually like a little light fall off, it gives more emphasis on the subject. I went ahead and ordered the lens (new) hopefully I won't be disappointed.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Knoxville, Tennessee

    58mm Super Angulon XL


    I doubt you'll be disappointed, it is a fine lens.


    I haven't shot with them side-by-side so I can't really help you much. If either lens had been available used, that's the one I would have bought. Neither was available used, so I bought the Apo Grandagon because I generally prefer Rodenstock glass except for the Schneider Super Symmar XLs. It's also a tiny bit wider and a 110 degree lens. Both use low dispersion glass.

    I'm not under any impression that one would be any better than the other in actual use. That said, I like my 55mm Apo Grandagon very much and use it more than I thought I would. It is extremely sharp.

    I'd like to try a 47mm SA XL, but I'm not ready to plunk down the money without giving it "test drive".


  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Victoria BC Canada

    58mm Super Angulon XL

    Hi Emre,

    I purchased a used 58xl a couple of years ago and while I loved the perspective, I found the corners weren't as sharp as I'd expect them to be. I tested it at a variety of apertures and was still not happy so I sold it and bought a new Rodenstock 55 from MPEX. It is noticably sharper in the corners so I'm now a happy camper. The Rodenstock has a slightly smaller image circle but they are both pretty tight for movements. Hope this helps.


  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Orange, CA

    58mm Super Angulon XL


    I owned a 58XL for roughly five years (I recently sold it since I no longer need an ultra wide lens) and was very happy with it. I was advised at the time of my original purchase that the Rodenstock 55 had slightly better MTF characteristics, but I went with the 58XL because it shared the same center filter as my SS80XL and SS110XL. I shoot a lot of chrome film, for which the center filter is absolutely necessary in my opinion, as the fall-off is quite noticeable. With B&W and color neg film, the center filter is usually not needed.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Knoxville, Tennessee

    58mm Super Angulon XL

    Just a comment on center filters on these 2 lenses: the Rodenstock 55mm has a little wider view, 110 degrees and Rodenstock recommends a center filter that's a tiny bit stronger than the one for the 58mm, 80mm, and 110mm Schneiders.

    But I tried the Schneider filter on the Rodenstock 55mm Apo Grandagon and it works fine. I can see little if any fall off. I wouldn't hesitate to shoot chromes with the Rodenstock 55mm and the Schneider CF for th other lenses.


  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Eugene, Oregon

    58mm Super Angulon XL

    Strange, a lot of people seem to suggest that the Grandagons are sharper than the Super Angulons. Since I've already ordered this lens, I guess I'll have to live with it now

    My next lens will probably be the 75mm Grandagon-N however, since I want to try at least one Rodenstock lens. Everything else I currently own is either Nikon or Fuji.

    Also, don't most of these wide-angle lenses outperform the capabilities of most films anyway, in terms of resolution?

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