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Thread: Now e-Bay wants my SSN and bank account info . . .???

  1. #21
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Ottawa, Canada

    Re: Now e-Bay wants my SSN and bank account info . . .???

    I've been getting the same message, too.
    I plan on ending all open sales on May 31.
    It won't stop me from buying off eBay, just not going to sell there any more.

  2. #22
    William Whitaker's Avatar
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    Re: Now e-Bay wants my SSN and bank account info . . .???

    Ebay has in effect become a financial institution. They have shown PayPal the door. And they now collect funds from sales directly, then remove all fees and finally distribute proceeds to the sellers. It's all pretty chilling because it allows Ebay to invest all monies in whatever mechanisms they wish and collect interest thereon for their own nefarious purposes. Ultimately it gives them even greater power over the members of Ebay
    Sales proceeds are said to require 2 days time to pay out. I sold an item one week ago and discovered, not surprisingly, that Ebay's arithmetic for counting days differs significantly from my own. So after 3 days, I finally received an email telling me that my proceeds were on their way. After another 12 hours had elapsed, I finally got the funds in my bank account. The email, it seems, was telling me only that the funds were approved for release and not that the funds were in fact enroute to my bank account.
    Since the beginning Ebay has rocked the boat every few years, pulling these boners that completely frustrate and infuriate us all. We all hated PayPal when it came out
    This last may be the worst yet, for it shows that Ebay will go to any lengths to ramrod just about anything past the consumers who, of course, are the ones that pay for Ebay's existence and the paychecks of everyone there on staff.
    Myself, I probably won't completely pull the plug yet. But those days are numbered. Surely the last thing I want is to have to pay income tax for monies derived from the sale of something that is already fully and rightfully mine.
    Last edited by William Whitaker; 27-May-2021 at 18:19.

  3. #23
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Now e-Bay wants my SSN and bank account info . . .???

    If you sell it and make something, the IRS classifies it as profit, and they have the legal right to track it. Doesn't matter if it's something you paid for yourself at one time. And as a massive reporting loophole in the cumulative sense, Ebay would seem to have a giant bullseye on it by now, in terms of their monitoring priorities. In most cases, it simply wouldn't be worth their time and energy of the IRS to go after little casual sellers, but they can put the screws on EBay itself, and make them do most of the work up-front if necessary. If someone doesn't like that fact, then go out and make billions of dollars instead and open an offshore corporate registry, and you won't pay a dime. Fair is fair; so all we mere serfs should be treated equally. Maybe it's about time to start bartering chickens and eggs for camera gear. All the raccoons around here would certainly approve of that.

  4. #24
    jp's Avatar
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    Re: Now e-Bay wants my SSN and bank account info . . .???

    They've had so many breakins, I'd never give them my SSN info. Perhaps try some fake numbers if you need to.
    My family members who used to sell on Ebay now are doing better selling on Etsy.
    I only buy on Ebay, but when I find a good seller I trust and do repeat business with, I contact them and we continue our b2b transactions outside of Ebay.

  5. #25

    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Forest Grove, Ore.

    Re: Now e-Bay wants my SSN and bank account info . . .???

    Check with EBay. The last four SSN digits are often used to verify identity for access to personal accounts. I would not give those out. Sounds bogus!

  6. #26

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Collinsville, CT USA

    Re: Now e-Bay wants my SSN and bank account info . . .???

    I stopped selling on eBay last year after a buyer returned a camera to me after a few weeks saying that it was broken. I had sent it to him in mint condition and it was 100% working. He obviously did not know how to operate the camera and tried jamming on a lens which broke the lens mount and more. I had to return the $$ and was left with a broken camera body. I had considered selling again till I heard of this post's topic. Will still buy on eBay (only from sellers with a lot of positive feedback) but never will sell on it again. My biggest feud is when the equipment is described as being in "mint" condition, and the attached images obviously show it to be in anything but "mint" condition.

  7. #27
    Corran's Avatar
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    Re: Now e-Bay wants my SSN and bank account info . . .???

    Greg, for what it's worth, that happened to me too once and I argued with eBay over it for a while and they gave me the money (to pay for repair) AND the refund.

    As for this strange new policy, I think it'll be harder for me to buy from eBay now as well if they won't accept PayPal. I prefer paying with PayPal since it is so easy to dispute purchases if they end up problematic. I use it for most of my purchases online.
    Bryan | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | Portfolio
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  8. #28

    Join Date
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    Re: Now e-Bay wants my SSN and bank account info . . .???

    You’re lucky, Bryan. That happened to me selling a camera on this forum. I got no compensation at all.

  9. #29
    Corran's Avatar
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    Re: Now e-Bay wants my SSN and bank account info . . .???

    I argued with eBay for months though. They were probably sick of me! Did the same thing for a FedEx insurance claim one time too.
    Bryan | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | Portfolio
    All comments and thoughtful critique welcome

  10. #30

    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Delaware, USA

    Re: Now e-Bay wants my SSN and bank account info . . .???

    Quote Originally Posted by jp View Post
    They've had so many breakins, I'd never give them my SSN info. Perhaps try some fake numbers if you need to.
    Aside from one incident in 2014 that did not involve any financial/credit card info, I’m not aware of any other hacks. When did these alleged breaking happen?

    BTW, suggesting that people give fake identification is an incredibly bad idea.

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