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Thread: COMPARISON: Fujinon W 250mm f6.7 & Fujinon A 240 f9

  1. #1
    Jeffery Dale Welker
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Mesa, Arizona

    COMPARISON: Fujinon W 250mm f6.7 & Fujinon A 240 f9

    I'm looking to add a 240mm-250mm focal length to my 4x5 set-up and these two lenses have my attention. I primarily photograph the landscape, so 1:1 performance is not a priority. I like to explore the differences in perspective given by modest changes in focal length, and either of these two lenses would slot nicely between my Nikkor M 200.9 and M 300/9.

    The Fujinon W 250/6.7 currently seems a bit "scarce" on the used market. Interestingly, the Fujinon A 240/9 appears more available, but excellent copies are more expensive than the less prevalent W 250/6.7.

    What are the pros and cons of these two lenses? Is one superior compared to the other? Sharpness? Contrast?

    The specs say the 250/6.7 has a 398mm image circle, which is larger than the A 240/9 363mm image circle. For my 4x5, I believe both have plenty of coverage for movements.

    Any comments are appreciated. Thank you.
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  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Re: COMPARISON: Fujinon W 250mm f6.7 & Fujinon A 240 f9

    They are close enough in performance to go by weight. I would go with the lighter on - the 240 f9.

  3. #3
    Land-Scapegrace Heroique's Avatar
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    Re: COMPARISON: Fujinon W 250mm f6.7 & Fujinon A 240 f9

    Quote Originally Posted by Salmo22 View Post
    I'm looking to add a 240mm-250mm focal length to my 4x5 … I primarily photograph the landscape.
    I’m not familiar with the 250mm/6.7 other than its overall fine reputation.

    But I am a user of the Fuji A 240mm/9 – and as a shooter of 4x5 landscapes, I love it for its tiny size and weight (225g), Copal #0 shutter, EBC coating, and convenient 52mm filter size.

    You might also consider the Fuji CM-W 250mm/6.3 (320mm IC, 510g, 67mm filter).

    LF forum lens specs here:


  4. #4

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    Re: COMPARISON: Fujinon W 250mm f6.7 & Fujinon A 240 f9

    What are you looking for in a lens? What other lenses do you have? I'm not sure about the Fuji A 240 f9, but the 240mm f6.7 is a single-coated lens. If you want multi-coating, look further. Being in a Copal 1 shutter, so it's compact, compared to the huge Copal 3 versions at or near this focal length.

    The f6.7 is really nice for those who photograph in both 4x5 and 8x10. At 398mm, the f6.7 gives nice coverage for 8x10, including movements. For whatever reason, I've decided to have all single-coated lenses for 8x10. So, the f6.7 fits in nicely with these other lenses.

    By the way, "perspective" relates to camera position, not focal length. The later relates to framing -- how much of the scene fills the ground glass.

  5. #5

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    Re: COMPARISON: Fujinon W 250mm f6.7 & Fujinon A 240 f9

    For a 4x5 kit for landscape I would choose the smaller & lighter 240/f9 A.

  6. #6

    Re: COMPARISON: Fujinon W 250mm f6.7 & Fujinon A 240 f9

    You might throw the 240/9 G-Claron on your list--it's in a Copal #1, so it's a few ounces heavier than the Fuji 240/9, but you can usually find one at fairly reasonable prices. I haven't put my G-Claron through its paces on my 8x10 yet, but I'm betting movements will be ample enough for landscape applications.

  7. #7
    Peter De Smidt's Avatar
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    Re: COMPARISON: Fujinon W 250mm f6.7 & Fujinon A 240 f9

    " I haven't put my G-Claron through its paces on my 8x10 yet, but I'm betting movements will be ample enough for landscape applications."

    That's been my experience.
    “You often feel tired, not because you've done too much, but because you've done too little of what sparks a light in you.”
    ― Alexander Den Heijer, Nothing You Don't Already Know

  8. #8
    Drew Saunders drew.saunders's Avatar
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    Re: COMPARISON: Fujinon W 250mm f6.7 & Fujinon A 240 f9

    I used to own the more modern 250/6.3 CM-W and now own a Fuji 250/4.7 Fujinar for 4x5. Of those four, for your needs, I'd rank them (and why) as:

    1: 240/9: Because it's small, and fits well with your two Nikkor-M lenses.
    2: 250/6.3: Because it doesn't cover 8x10 like the older f/6.7 version, so is cheaper, but will do just fine for 4x5. It's also multicoated, which may or may not appeal to you, but is consistent with your Nikkor-M lenses that are multicoated.
    3: 25cm Fujinar: The "fast" Tessar design gives a different look than a plasmat, and it's about the same weight ast the 260/6.3 CM-W, which is why I kept it and sold the 250/6.3.
    4: 250/6.7: Since this covers 8x10, it's more collectable, so will cost more, but that doesn't do you any good for 4x5. Let the 8x10 users purchase this lens, unless you expect to want to shoot 8x10 someday.

    If you can find and afford a 240/9, that would be the best choice.

  9. #9

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    Re: COMPARISON: Fujinon W 250mm f6.7 & Fujinon A 240 f9

    If a large image circle is not needed consider one of the APO "process lens" Dialyte symmetrical lens designs. They are small, have remarkable optical performance and were made for decades in shutter.

    From the 300mm lens post# 47.

    2. Process lenses that work just fine at infinity and are available in shutters:
    2a: Dialyte lenses, 45-48° coverage:
    Goerz Red Dot Artar
    Schneider Repro-Claron
    Schneider Apo-Artar
    Rodenstock Apo-Ronar
    Docter Apo-Germinar

    IMO, due to the "internet" those Fujinon LF lenses have developed cult status. Yes, they are good, but not the only LF lenses with outstanding optical performance.


  10. #10

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    Re: COMPARISON: Fujinon W 250mm f6.7 & Fujinon A 240 f9

    I own both of those lenses and use them regularly on both 4x5 and 8x10. In terms of overall performance, sharpness, etc, IMO it would be tough to see any difference between these two optics in any normal size enlargements from 4x5. The 240A is significantly smaller and lighter than the 250/6.7 and would "fit" better with your M-series lenses. However, the 240/A is typically quite a bit more expensive for a good copy. Overall, I'd consider weight as the primary choice between the two, especially if you hike any distances.

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